The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

Find the Finest Used Cars In Southern Indiana the Tribune Classifieds- DAILY TRIBUNE SEYMOUR, INDIANA MONDAY, JANUARY 13. 1969 TEN SEYMOUR CROSSWORD HORIZONTAL 1. Master 5. Above River barrier 12. Arabian chieftain 18.

Facts 14. Girl's name 15. Takes tenth part of 17. Suitable 18. Spheres of contest 19.

Vanity 21. U.S. state (abbr.) 22. European city 24. Leather moccasins 27.

Slender finial 28. A measure 31. Personality 32. Speck 35. Beverage 34.

Window section 36. Fruit drink 37. Satisfy 38. Ethan 40. Symbol for tellurium By Eugene Sheffer 41.

Test VERTICAL. 10:1 48: Forms 1. Mother of -11. Ship's 47. Vandal Castor and officer 48.

Deficient in Pollux 16. Girl's name refinement 2. Hebrew 20. Corded 51. An measure fabric enzyme 3.

Cereal grain 22. Species of 52. Base 4. Imbibes lyric poem 53. Cry of 5.

Harem 23. Location Bacchanals rooms 24. Energy 54. Spread 6. Large 25.

Turkish cistern officer. to dry 7. French 26. Hemmed in 55. Minced season 27.

A cheese oath 8. Grates 29. Born 56. Repose 9. Fixed 30.

Make lace 35. Period Answer to Saturday's puzzle. of time 37. Scant WACO SIAW WALE 39. Oily fruit ANON ARIA AMER 40.

Article DEMENTED TONG 41. A pronoun EWE OAT WENDS 42. Trick BAR 43. Snow vehicle EON HAMEN NITE 44. Surface WINSOME ERAS WAG a road WEATHER WELTS 45.

Son of Seth DON DUD 46. Printer's IS STOVE SON ERE mark COMA WONDE 49. Dress coin AMEL ORE LUNE Note edges WETS GAS LEION 50. Guido's in Average time of solution: 17 minutes. scale 20 25 26 55 1-3 CRYPTOQUIPS ABCD AEA FOHBID HIBJ JEKC HIBLM.

BLD HBJFKGIM. Saturday's Cryptoquip CANDID HOUSEWIFE OFTEN SWEPT DIRT UNDER THE CARPET. 1909. King Features Syndicate. Inc.) Rites Tuesday For Mrs.

Null Funeral services for Mrs. Bernice Null, 50, 503 East Third street, will be conducted at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday from the Burkholder Chapel with the Rev. Earl Nossett, pastor of: the Grace United Methodist', Church, Acme, officiating.

Burial in Riverview Cemetery. Friends may call at the Burkholder Funeral Home after 7:30 p.m. tonight. Mrs. Null, a cook, was a member of the Evangelical United: Brethren Church.

Born Dec. 18, 1918, in Albuquerque, N. she was the daughter of the late Francis and Marie Stafford. She moved to this community 16 years ago. Surviving are three sons, David Null, at home, and Steve and Frank Null, at Knightstown; and one brother, Frank Stafford.

Check your driver's license. Has it expired? 180-LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION CAUSE NO. 69 3 In the Jackson Circuit Court Notice is hereby given that The Seymour National Bank WAS on the 10th day of January, 1969, pointed Executor of the will of Emma Terkhorn, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due. must file the same in "sale court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred.

Dated at Brownstown, Indiana, this 10th day of January, 1969. Donald E. Manion Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Indiana ATTORNEY FOR ESTATE: Montgomery Pardleck Jan. 13, 20, 27 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION CAUSE NO. 69 P4 In the Jackson Circuit Court Notice is hereby given that ford Osterman, was on the 10th day of January, 1969, appointed acutor of the will Lena Osterman, deceased.

All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, -must file the same in said court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated Brownstown, Indiana, this 10th day of January, Donald E. Manion Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Indiana ATTORNEY FOR ESTATE: Whitcomb Brown, Jan. 18, 20, 27 Marcos Melendez of Iowa kicked 40 extra points in 44 attempts during the 1968 ball season. 180 -LEGAL NOTICES VERNON FORKS CONSERVANCY DISTRICT NOTICE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors of the Vernon Forks Conservancy District, determined by Resolution dated November 5,.

1968, that the ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION of the District will be held MONDAY EVE NING, FEBRUARY 10, 1969, 7:30 m. The place of the meeting is the JENNINGS COUNTY COMMUN. ITY BUILDING, four Indiana, miles north State of North Vernon, on Highway 3. The purposes of the meeting are; Presentation of an annual re(1) port. (2) Presentation of matters of general Interest Conduction of an election of Directors.

following properly executed nominations were submitted to the office of the Conservancy District, on or prior to December 1, 1968: Area 1 Ralph Holtman Area 2 C. M. Spall Area 4 L. E. Malcomb Area 5 Robert Schneider Area 7 Roy F.

Miller Ballots may be cast between 7:30 p. m. and 8:30 p. m. by freeholders owning land within the District.

Ralph E. Holtman Chairman, Board of Directors Vernon Forks Conservancy District ATTEST: C. Bruns Secretary J4 :3 10-LOST AND FOUND LOST: 13 year old Pomeranian. black. white.

and brown. resembles Toy Collie. 11 lbs. Disappeared December 24. Name is Tinker but has loss of hearing.

Generous reward for information. Pricey Waggoner. 497-2451. Freetown. LOST: Two weeks ago: Black and grey German Shepherd.

male. answers to the name In vicinity of Reddington. Family pet. Reward. Call 392-2596.

Scipio. or 445- 3360. 20-NOTICES FASHION MANOR Beauty SaIon, 106 S. Main, 358-4080, Brownstown. Mini falls.

95. SHOOTING MATCH every Saturday night, 7:30 p.m. Stillboard, factory load. White River -Fish: and Game Club. Rockford, Indiana.

ENTERTAINMENT every Tuesday night, 7:30 p.m. White River and Game Club. Rockford, Indiana. HELP WANTED Fall and part time: Sales people, cashiers, stock clerks, and department managers. 10.

A.M. 1 M. 2 P. M. 6 P.

M. Apply Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday PAGE'S DEPARTMENT STORE 2000 EAST TIPTON SEYMOUR- CLIP AND MAIL SEYMOUR WANT AD DAILY TRIBUNE BLANK Your Ads Mall Tor SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE (ATTN. WANT AD DEPT.I 1215 East Tipton, Seymour, Ind. 47274 Please run my classified ad for days. Enclosed is, full payment of $., please bill me later at the address below.

Paid a Charge. 10 Word Minimum $1.00 Minimum Charge Write Ad Here (Please Print): CLASSIFIED RATES word 5 per word 6 word STREET CITY. STATE PH. SIGNATURE 20- NOTICES LUCILLE'S Antiques. 603 South Chestnut.

J. W. and Lucille Baurley. DEE'S BEAUTY Shop, 405 E. Fourth St.

Phone 522-6555. DONNA'S' Beauty Shop, Vehslage Building. Phone 522-3057: Permanents, $8.50, up. 'LIL'S BEAUTY Shop. 506 N.

O'Brien. Call for an appointment. 522-5441. 'SUE'S BEAUTY Salon, 727 N. O'Brien Street, Phone 522- 6834.

'NOW OPEN: Kin-Kurl Beauty Shoppe. 110 Jeffersonville Avenue. Walk-in or appointment. Operators: Paulene Hardy. Sue Newkirk.

Sandra Fields. SHOOTING MATCH: Sunday. 1:00 p.m. Stillboard. factory load.

White River Fish and Game Club. Rockford. Indiana. COMPLETE Clock Servicing with modern methods and equipment. Antique watches and clocks restored.

R. W. Ellis Jewelers. 404 East Second St. TOP VALUE STAMPS AND GULF SOLAR HEATING OIL This is a hard combination to beat.

Gulf home heating oil is processed to serve you with clean, dependable heat. You can depend on it! Value Stamps are our special gift to you for allowing us to serve you. Call 522-1248 STOREY OIL COMPANY "Our Customers Are Warm Friends" WEDDING Invitations. $10.50 up per hundred. Mrs.

Ervin Pottschmidt. 522-5496. YOUR new Diamond Rings sized while you wait. R. Ellis, Jeweler, 404 East Second Street.

SPECIAL! During January: Permanent $15.00, $20.00, $25.00. $12.50. Marie's Beauty Salon, 317 North Broadway. Phone 522-1344. FOR FULLER Brush products.

call Lorene Anderson, 522- 6023, before 2:30. DIAL MEDITATION. 522-1345 any hour, day or night. SHOOTING MATCH: Dudleytown Conservation Club every Friday night, starting at p.m. Trap and stillboard.

WILL: DO knitting or give lessons. 522-1321. THE HAMILTON Township Conservation Club will meet Monday. January 13. at p.m.

Election of officers. 20 PERCENT OFF on all permanents during January. FashIon Manor Beauty Salon. 358- 4080. ANTIQUE SHOW and Flea Market every Saturday, m.

to 9 p.m. and Sunday, a.m. to 6 p.m. at 304 Hoosier Street, North Vernon, Indiana beginning January 18th. Phone 522-6617.

-BUSINESS: SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, day or night. Reasonable rates. Murphy' Septic Tank Ser vice. 522-7717. IT Won't start, call us.

24 Hour Wrecker Service, Phone 522-3569. FURNITURE Upholstered and repaired. Don't throw Earl Crawford, East Fourth Street Road. PLUMBING: Carpenter and pair work. All kinds.

Call. R. L. Brock. 30.

EMPLOYMENT MEN SALARY $250 per month. plus commission. Sell brand name appliances for utility company. Paid vacation. Insurance, and other fringe -benefits.

Sales experience pre ferred. but will train. High School Education (Diploma not G.E.D.J required. Apply, Indiana Gas. Company, 228 S.

Chestnut Street. WOMEN PART AND Full time over. 21 needed. phone calls. See Mr.

Bridgewater, Walton Hotel. SELLING AVON IS FUN Earn as you learn! Pay bills. make friends. Territory open ings near you. Call Edinburg.

526-5402. after p.m. col lect. WANTED: Hostess for. vending machines.

Must make change. clean and fill chine. Hours. 8 to 2 p.m. Monday thru Fridays.

We furnish uniforms and insurance. Must be neat. have good personality, job reference. Apply Indiana Vendors. 213 East 2nd Street.

Seymour. DEDICATED CHRISTIAN lady who is active in Sunday School and Church. Earnings $7,000. to $10.000. first year.

May begin part time. Write me: Paul 22 West Madison Street. Chicago. Illinois. 60602.

WOMEN: Opening on established route in city of Seymour. Full or spare time. Choose your own hours. Average $3. hourly and up possible.

Write Ruth Bergaus. Watkins Products. Winona. Minnesota. 55987.

LOCAL factory has opening for experienced office girl. Must be able to type 50-60 words per minute. Would prefer shorthand experience. terested. phone 522-2333.

extension 62. 32-EMPLOYMENT MEN AND WOMEN FOR SALE: Freedom. Freedom to be your own Freedom to have your own business. Freedom to work creatively. Freedom to earn more money.

Freedom to meet interesting people. Freedom to be part or the marketing pian ot multimillion dollar company. Modest inventory investment brings you generous commis sions. The rest is up to you. Write P.

O. Box 441. Seymour. SALES CAREER: If you are sport's minded. have a car.

and bondable. We you a lifetime career. $700 guarantee the first month. Call 522-1250. Mr.

Ross. for appointment. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 40-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOING BUSINESS: Coffee shop.

North Doing good business. Priced for quick sale. Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366.

50-CHILD CARE WANTED: Babysitting in my home. 630 Euclid Avenue. WILL CARE for children in my home. daytime only. Pleasant surroundings.

Near Gaiser Park. 522-3032. WANTED: Babysitting in my home. 1536 Lady Marian Drive. 522-4099.

WANTED: Woman to care for 2 children in my home. 6 days per week for five months. 522- 6629. 60-SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CARPENTRY work and roof repair. New roofs installed.

Elmer Hobson, 522-1023. FURNACES installed: Heat' in in every room. Many satis fled customers. Free estimates. Gas or oil.

No obligation. As low as $495. Call 522 1633. WANTED to haul grain from vilife, Kentucky. elevators Phone in Louis- 966- 4231.

Paper hanging. painting, spot plastering, wall-, paper steaming, roofing. 7955. WANTED: Trash hauling, so barrels for sale. Free livery.

522-2683. FROZEN. PIPES: Electrically thawed. Phone 522-3859. SMALL BUILDING torn down.

Free estimates. -522-2237. or WALLPAPER Hanging, terior painting, remodeling work, carpentry work. new roots installed. 522-2237, Leonard Tiemeyer.

-SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Sewings. of kinds, dresses, suits, coats. etc. Phone 522-6855. WANTED: Ironings and cleanings.

Phone 522-1675. CUSTOM MADE Made to order. Free estirates. 522-7111. WANTED: Chairs to upholster, Dorothy Rice.

522-6110. 61. SITUATIONS WANT FEMALE NEED your Ironing done Call 358-4068 or 522-3434 We will pick it up. NURSE wants elderly gentle man to care for in my home. Best of care and references.

Call 376-7700. Columbus. 72-WANTED TO RENT ROOMS, APTS. WANTED: Furnished apart ment. Reliable tenant.

Page si Department Store. 1. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Dead stock. moved every day in year. Call F.

F. Buhner Seymour. 522-3303 or Browns town 'Feed Exchange. Phone 358-4487. Columbus Reduction Co.

82-WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Used set of bar bells. weight lifting ment. 522-6629. 90-INSTRUCTION PIANO, ORGAN and accor dion lessons -at your home. Classical or popular.

Frank Bolinger. 210 E. 3rd St. FREE Bowling lessons for ladies. Beginning Tuesday.

January 21. 1:30, Inquire Starlite Bowl. Freeman Field. Phone 522-6525. 95-PETS AND HOBBIES FOR SALE: One: small.

white female toy poodle. Phone 522 7246. FREE: Kittens. 610 Burkshire Road. or 522-7681.

FOR SALE: Show pigeons. Racing Homers. High Flying Tiplers. 522-3545. BOARDING BREEDING.

PupKennels. Phone 522-1132. 7, a.m. to 8 p.m. WANTED: Good.

home for pups. Call 522 4902 after 4:00. FOR SALE: Siamese kittens. Call 522 6114. anytime.

FOR SALE: Registered dach shund puppies. 840. 522 4776. 100- FOR RENT SEYMOUR PROPERTY THREE bedroom nouse for rent. 614 Berkshire Boulevard.

Call 752-3234. Scottsburg. FOR RENT: Newly decorated one bedroom home. fur nished. Inquire 806 Poplar.

References HOUSE: bedrooms: modern. Bath. Poor condition. In Seymour. 522-1644 101- FOR RENT BROWNSTOWN PROPERTY NEW APARTMENT.

furnished. all electric, Adults or with small child. 358-2963. FOR RENT: Furnished apart Beautifully, furnished. Ideal for couple.

358-3888. 102- FOR RENT SUBURBAN PROPERTY TWO Bedroom farm house. miles north Cortland. Phone 522-7276. 103 -FOR RENT ROOMS, APTS.

FOR RENT: Modern house trailer. 1311 East Tipton. THREE ROOM furnished ment. utilities paid. Adults only.

324 South Chestnut. SLEEPING ROOM. employed gentleman, references 723 North Chestnut 522-5249. FOR RENT: '2-3 room fur. nished 1 apartment.

110 South Vine. NICE. clean. all private apartment. Utilities furnished.

Inquire 725 North Broadway. Phone 522-6023. FURNISHED apartment. Newly redecorated. Downtown location.

References required. Write to P. O. Box 291. Seymour.

THREE ROOM apartment. U- tilities. Stove. refrigerator. A- dults only.

References. Phone 522-7525. TWO ROOMS. private bath. Semi furnished.

522-4513. after 4 p.m. THREE ROOM furnished ment. utilities included. Refer 522-6272.

FURNISHED 2 room' apartment. ground floor. adult. 102 South Poplar. WHO DOES IT? SERVICE DIRECTORY These Advertisers Are Ready To APPLIANCE REPAIR IF IT IS electrical and doesn't run.

bring it to Helwig's. 204 South Chestnut. Phone 522-3669. AIR-CONDITIONING Heating. Residential.

commercial. industrial and automotive sales and service for all makes. Pardieck Mechanical Contractors. Inc. Phone 522- 7662.

AUTO REPAIR BILL MURPHY'S Gulf Service. Tune ups. Tires. Road Service. Gull Gas.

Corner Tipton and O'Brien. Free Pick-up and delivery. Phone 522-4601. AUTOMOTIVE RENT OR LEASE RENT A New Ford at Low Rates Don Morris Ford. Total Transportation Headquarters.

Seymour. 522-4187. BICYCLE REPAIR ENGELKING'S Bicycle and Saw Shop. O'Brien and Centennial Streets. BULLDOZING EARTH MOVING BULLDOZING: Ray.

mond A. Marsh. Route Scipio. 812-392-2596. Satisfaction guaranteed.

COMPANY: Call 522- 5496. Free estimates. Ervin Pottschmidt. CAR RENTAL Sales Ser vice: National Car Rental. Dally.

Weekly." weekend speclals. 1969 Pontiacs. Green Stamps. 522-5288. CLEANING CARPET CLEANING: All work guaranteed.

Richard Carpenter. Phone 522-3046, after 4:00, Monday thru. Friday, all day weekends: COPY SERVICE PHOTOSTAT copies. maxi mum size 18" static copies. maximum 11 Seymour Daily bune.

1215 East Tipton 103. FOR RENT ROOMS, APTS. THREE ROOM furnished. wall to wall carpet. utilities fur nished.

carport. Adults only. no pets. 315 Mill Street ONE BEDROOM. duplex, stone.

refrigerator. dinette set. fur. nished. Couple only No pets.

Phone 522-7393. 107 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE, furniture. etc. story warehouse. Entire floor available.

522-1644 SPACE FOR modern trailers. Hilltop Trailer Park. 115 South Brien. 522-1987. FOR RENT: Crutches.

wheel chairs. walkers. hospital beds. fitness and exercise equipment. Seymour Pharmacy.

601 West Second. Phone 522-3192. TOR RENT: Convalescent Ads. Hospital Beds. Wheel Chairs.

Invalid Walkers. Crutches. Canes. etc. Baldwin Drug Store, 522-5409.

120 -FOR SALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY in yard. $4.500.. $200. down. Inquire 607 Noble Street.

444 VEHSLAGE 5 Rooms. bath. utility. garage attached. all built-ins.

aluminum siding. Home in good condition. Immediate possession. Henry Krumme. Realtor.

Phone 522-4366. U-2 CAN SPY A GOOD BUY 824 ASH 3 carpet tiled. gas Alum. sided. Ex.

large carport in rear. 237 S. BROADWAY: Apt. house. 2 or 2 full baths.

full garage. Some furniture included. 204 CARDINAL 3. bed. 112 baths.

carpet hdwd. floor. gas HWH. luxe gas built-ins. with garbage disposal.

age. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 'SOUTH SIDE OF SEYMOUR: 3 stone Redwood style home. 112 ceramic baths. room.

carpet hdwd. floors. built-in gas CROTHERSVILLE: 110 Marshall Dr. 3 Bedford stone. new gas carpet.

att. garage. Large lot. BROWNSTOWN: 216 W. ner: 3 2 story brick.

gas 150x150 lot. $8.500. SURPRISE: Main Street: 2 bungalow. alum. sided.

new. oil carpeting. Move right in. very neat well kept home. $10.800.00.

SOUTH ON 31: 3 ranch style Bedford stone. all stone fireplace in liv. room. carpet hdwd. floors.

utility 112 car att. garage. on 2.8 acres. Another 50 acres available. NORTH OF SEYMOUR on 31-A: 2 bungalow.

asb. sided. hdwd. floors. oil ex.

large garage. Lovely in spring. plenty of flowers. $10. 800.00.

E. ON U.S. 50: 2 alum. sided. bungalow.

built gas appliances. oil knotty pine also 3 room al on rear of lot. LOW TAX RATE. 502 E. 4TH: 2 bunga low.

oil full dry fenced back yard. Completely redecorated. N. DEPOT Browns town NEW HOME- 3 bedrm. brick.

ranch style. car peted. elec. cent. -built-in-range.

garbage, disposal. 509 S. WALNUT 2 2 story home. hdwd. doors.

full. dry gas furn. Very good location. INVESTMENT Apartment Houses Warehouse with Railroad Siding co*cktail Lounge Commercial Sites downtown or' U.S. 50 FARMS 40 A.

East on U. S.50 180 Northeast of Uniontown 55 A. South on U.S. 31 3712 A. In Bobtown 400 A.

in Madison MILT POLLERT REALTOR 404 N. Chestnut 522-2112 or Dixon. 522-5344 OUR 11th YEAR OF SERVICE: 503 8. PARK DRIVE: Nice rooms, bath. basem*nt.

Allcarpeted, fireplace in living room, screened front porch: Garage. A real location. HenTy Krumme, Jr. Realtor Phone 522-4368. 2133 HILLSIDE 5 rooms' and den.

2 baths. all builtins. Central, air. Garage at-. tached.

Large lot. Fenced and nice shade and shrubbery. Henry Krumme. Jr. Realtor.

Phone 522-4366. 1438 CARTER 6 bath. basem*nt: 4 rooms down. 2 rooms up. Gas furnace.

tral air. storm doors and windows. aluminum siding. garage. Corner lot.

Owner leavingtown. Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom with gray siding.

garage. fenced or 21-BUSINESS SERVICES CATERING: Having a Wedding or Party? Talk to cis Engleking. at Nolting's Foodliner, 522-2937, about having the food prepared. We will deliver it and set your buffet. if so desired.

WEDDING Napkins. napkins in pastel colors. Tut's Rubber Stamps. 611 Mill. TYPEWRITER and adding machine sales, service and rental.

Quill 'N' Frill House. 522-3145. TAX RETURNS: J. Thomas Westfall. tax accountant, associated with George H.

man, attorney. 626 West 2nd Street. By appointment. 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Weekdays. Saturdays. 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Office.

522-2930. Residence. 522-2906. CUSTOM BUTCHERING: Meat Market. 218 So.

Chestnut. Phone 522-1654. SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools. cleaned. Reasonable rates.

Raymond Plank. Route 3. Seymour. Phone 522-2350. HALEY'S Antenna Service.

Complete insurance coverage. Phone 522-5459. RUGS DIRTY? Rent electric shampooer, for $1 with purchase of Lustre Foam. At Seymour Pharmacy. 601 West Second St.

522-3192. TYPEWRITERS Smith-Corona. Royal. Adding machines. Louis A.

Schrenk, 514 West Fourth. POLE BARNS. garages. building material. Warinner Lumber Company.

308 E. Main Street. Crothersville. Phone 793-2281. Open 8:30 to daily.

BAKER ANTENNAS Complete Sales Service. New and used antennas and rotors. 1458 West Second. 522-4948. ELECTRIC HEAT in an older existing home? Simple, convert your present system to clean, safe, maintenance free.

electric heat. For information on cost, call or write Public Service Indiana. McCOy'S Home and Mobile home Services. oil furnaces. electrical and minor plumbing.

Phone 522-6418. 0-EMPLOYMENT-MEN ROUTE Salesman wanted. ply in person. Pepsi Cola Company. Seymour.

AGGRESSIVE MEN Are you looking for a career opportunity instead of just job for 1969? If so. don't just read this ad. come in and talk to us. We teach you how to sell our products and offer the following: Salary plus mission. car allowances.

Join the going team. Earn up to $15,000, the first year. Our method is a proven one, but we Heed two aggressive mien to carry it out for Beltone. Columbus. 372-1886.

IF $1,500. IN a month interests you you interest us. Opening for man over 40 in Seymour. Indiana area. No perience required.

Cash es. Air mail H. D. Pate, Texas Refinery Box 711, Ft. Worth, Texas, 76101, SALESMAN: District Manager.

Exclusive territory for lower Indiana-Kentucky area. A professional selling career. Direct sales to top executives and administrators of Churches. Institutions, Colleges and Universities. Banks and other commercial institutions.

clusive product line in $1,000 to. $75.000 catagory. ful selling experience and car required. Income of $15,000 thru $25,000. based on salary, commission and Your confidential letter and resume will receive our Immediate reply.

Box 26. Sey-1 mour Tribune. 'ENDING Machine Routeman. 21. married.

must have good personal credit and job references. Apply. Indiana Ven-: -dors. 213 East Second Street. WANTED: Mechanic to work on -nei and used cars.

perience helpful. Apply in person. Sterling Auto Sales. Highway 50. West.

DOLL CLOTHES FOR SALE: Barbie doll clothes and gifts. 303 Kessler Boulevard. DEMOLITION SERVICE DEMOLITION Buildingwrecked and removed. Tree trimming or 'removal. Fully insured and bonded.

free estimates. call Martin Wrecking. 522-3938. ELECTRIC SERVICE BOB BRUNSON. Phone 445-3316.

Electrical Maintenance and Repair. HAULING KENNY'S General Hauling and moving service. with van's on pick-up trucks. Seven days. Free estimates.

Call collect. 342-3860. Colum-109 bus. HOUSECLEANING SERVICEMASTER: Cleaning. Carpets.

rugs. furniture: walls: and floors. Phone 522-2846. PRINTING ENGRAVED PRINTED Wedding Invitations. Marriage' Announcements.

Reception invitations. Informals. Thank' you notes. Personalized paper napkins. Matches.

Playing cards and Pencils. Seymour Dally Tribune. 1215 East' Tipton Street. PLUMBING HEATING GAS HEATING Appliance. Repair.

Miller Gas Appliance Service. Phone STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS. and Pads. Tut' Rubber Stamps, 611 MIll Street. WRECKER SERVICE ALBERRING Garage.

Wreck: er service. 927 South Lynn Phone 522-1197. D..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.