[Reader] Failed loading images after clicking "click to retry" (2024)

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Head Contributor Wrangler


Super Moderator

Jan 18, 2018
  • May 22, 2023
  • #2

If you're seeing click to retry, it means you've failed to load the chapter images from two separate sources and failed the first auto-retry, so something is wrong.

You need to be able to access "uploads.mangadex.org" and "*.mangadex.network" to use MD, and those may be being inconsistently blocked.

Try a VPN like Cloudflare Warp - if this fixes the issue, there's something wrong with your routing to MD.




Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2019
  • May 23, 2023
  • #3

Syanindita said:

[Reader] Failed loading images after clicking "click to retry" (3)

See that images? Sometimes I got a bad loading chapters like this, when this happen it's almost impossible to reload.

Clicking that red "click to retry" is no use. Refresh the page? Closing the tab? Even closing the browser and reopen it again? No use.. That big red click to retry still appears.

I hope developer can resolve that one. Browsing from mobile browser

Have the same issue and have seen other people say they have it. It's not on your end and it's not gonna get fixed. Best course of action is just finding the chapter on another site if possible and reading it there.




Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
  • May 24, 2023
  • #4

Aezeryel said:

Have the same issue and have seen other people say they have it. It's not on your end and it's not gonna get fixed. Best course of action is just finding the chapter on another site if possible and reading it there.

Another option is incognito mode and maybe delete cookie things..

But it would be great in the future if you can just reload the pages



Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2020
  • May 24, 2023
  • #5

Maybe try the Data Saver option in the settings, I experienced this a lot with my previous ISP specially in some titles with color and double spread pages



Head Contributor Wrangler


Super Moderator

Jan 18, 2018
  • May 24, 2023
  • #6

Aezeryel said:

Have the same issue and have seen other people say they have it. It's not on your end and it's not gonna get fixed. Best course of action is just finding the chapter on another site if possible and reading it there.

I guarantee you it's on your end. Link a chapter where it happens for you, and I can check if the images exist.

Syanindita said:

Another option is incognito mode and maybe delete cookie things..

But it would be great in the future if you can just reload the pages

Every image is automatically requested up to three times if the first two fail, if you're still unable to load the image at that point there's something very wrong on your side. After those three attempts you can try and reload the image again manually by clicking the red box, but if something is blocking your connection to us it's not going to work.




Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
  • May 24, 2023
  • #7

BraveDude8 said:

I guarantee you it's on your end. Link a chapter where it happens for you, and I can check if the images exist.

Every image is automatically requested up to three times if the first two fail, if you're still unable to load the image at that point there's something very wrong on your side. After those three attempts you can try and reload the image again manually by clicking the red box, but if something is blocking your connection to us it's not going to work.

At that time.. After a combo of click the retry, refresh, close the tab, reopen browser not working. Somehow switch into incognito works

I'll revive this thread again in the future if I get into this situation again



Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2019
  • May 24, 2023
  • #8

BraveDude8 said:

I guarantee you it's on your end. Link a chapter where it happens for you, and I can check if the images exist.

"Hey, there's this problem that multiple users have, that happens only on our site and that has started happening only since the new version of the site. Hmmmmm, must be a fault on the users' end."



Custom title



Jan 19, 2018
  • May 24, 2023
  • #9

Aezeryel said:

"Hey, there's this problem that multiple users have, that happens only on our site and that has started happening only since the new version of the site. Hmmmmm, must be a fault on the users' end."

Multiple users can have the same problem. It's only on our end if every single user is having the exact same issue. Other websites are irrelevant to the discussion.



Head Contributor Wrangler


Super Moderator

Jan 18, 2018
  • May 24, 2023
  • #10

Aezeryel said:

"Hey, there's this problem that multiple users have, that happens only on our site and that has started happening only since the new version of the site. Hmmmmm, must be a fault on the users' end."

Multiple users out of millions of unique users is entirely insignificant.

We have internal metrics, we know how the site is performing, and I can tell you that at individual regional level we have zero issues consistently serving images in a reasonable amount of time (<0.5s) to >99.9% of our users. The entire chapter is loaded from a single source by default, so if some images aren't loading your connection to our servers has been interrupted and there's not much we can do about that, as it's demonstratably not impacting the vast majority of the userbase.

And for the record, image loading in v5 is faster and more consistent than it used to be in v3.



Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
  • May 26, 2023
  • #11

Syanindita said:

[Reader] Failed loading images after clicking "click to retry" (10)

See that images? Sometimes I got a bad loading chapters like this, when this happen it's almost impossible to reload.

Clicking that red "click to retry" is no use. Refresh the page? Closing the tab? Even closing the browser and reopen it again? No use.. That big red click to retry still appears.

I hope developer can resolve that one. Browsing from mobile browser

Still an issue.



Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2019
  • May 26, 2023
  • #12

Teasday said:

Multiple users can have the same problem. It's only on our end if every single user is having the exact same issue. Other websites are irrelevant to the discussion.

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well, not just MD.



Head Contributor Wrangler


Super Moderator

Jan 18, 2018
  • May 26, 2023
  • #13

Aezeryel said:

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well, not just MD.

If the issue was on our end we'd see mass connection issues in our metrics, not just a few people. Internet connectivity is a complex metric, just because you have a good connection to major sites that can reliably peer everywhere in the world doesn't mean you've got a good connection to us. If a VPN fixes it, that's the issue.




Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
  • May 27, 2023
  • #14

TestAddress said:

Still an issue.

Try going incognito.. It's a quick fix for that for my last attempt, but havent try it again so can't test the consistency



Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2019
  • May 27, 2023
  • #15

BraveDude8 said:

If the issue was on our end we'd see mass connection issues in our metrics, not just a few people. Internet connectivity is a complex metric, just because you have a good connection to major sites that can reliably peer everywhere in the world doesn't mean you've got a good connection to us. If a VPN fixes it, that's the issue.

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well. It's not just major sites, it's literally any site besides MD. I can open the most random manga site ever and it will load pages properly but MD decides to f*ck me over every now and again for no reason at all.



Yuri Enjoyer



Feb 16, 2020
  • May 27, 2023
  • #16

Aezeryel said:

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well

Brave already explained to you why that’s not a viable indicator

Aezeryel said:

It's not just major sites, it's literally any site besides MD. I can open the most random manga site ever

All of them run on Cloudflare, so they are, from a networking perspective, all the exact 1 same site.

Aezeryel said:

MD decides to f*ck me over every now and again for no reason at all.

Yes clearly we engineered the site to screw with you in particular every now and then. We also obviously really like the site glitching out for a minuscule minority of users in general.

Anyway, we appreciate that it’s frustrating to you, but we operate within constraints, and one of them is that we literally cannot drop millions of dollars a month like Cloudflare (& co) do to work around residential ISPs being sh*t.
And if you distrust us and believe it is our fault (though again, why the f*ck would we opt to not make our site work as well as possible?!), then all we can suggest is using another website that works better for you.




Super Moderator

Aug 19, 2020
  • May 27, 2023
  • #17

Aezeryel said:

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well, not just MD.

Aezeryel said:

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well. It's not just major sites, it's literally any site besides MD. I can open the most random manga site ever and it will load pages properly but MD decides to f*ck me over every now and again for no reason at all.

Do you know how the internet works? what a server is? how it even works that you can view images on MangaDex? I sure hope no. (see How does the INTERNET work?)
This isn't how the internet works. Just because site A works doesn't mean that site B works too. For example, microsoft google and amazon work so good because they pay a crap ton of money on this, that MangaDex doesn't have/doesn't want to spend since MangaDex is literally free.
And no, just because other manga sites work doesn't mean that MangaDex should work. Most manga sites abuse free cdn services like Cloudflare (e.g. bato, manganato, mangakakalot, mangabuddy, all other well known sites) and Cloudflare simply pays for those fees. MangaDex is one of the only sites that doesn't do this (anymore) and still the only site that keep that good of a service.
If you have issues try with a vpn or, if the issue goes away, it's on you



Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2019
  • May 28, 2023
  • #18

Hey, full-stack dev here. I've encountered this issue as well, and while I unfortunately can't tell you how exactly to reproduce it (aside from having a bad connection/low reception), I can provide some additional details that will hopefully be of help to any dev reading this:

  • The issue does not persist across browsers - though it may reoccur with a different set of pages.
  • Using port 443 does not appear to fix the issue.
  • Switching to low quality images only appears to solve the issue - switching back to high quality images reveals that the issue still persists for them (and vice versa).
  • Rarely, the images might all reload (cache miss?) during the same session. In my case, this was likely due to leaving the page, then revisiting it after having switched networks. In this case the issue appeared to resolve itself, only to reoccur with the same pages as before upon reloading the page once again.
  • The issue can also occur in Tachiyomi, though much less frequently - perhaps due to different loading strategies.

My two cents about this situation:
This appears to be either the browser/client caching and serving a failed response instead of sending a new request to the server, or a rate limiter/anti-DDoS measure that 1) blocks all requests for a specific asset if a session has requested it too many times in a row, and 2) doesn't have a cooldown system in place to allow said session to access the asset again after some time has passed.

The rate limiter/anti-DDoS option seems to me to be the more likely one (especially considering the history of this site), and is the one I'd recommend looking into first.

Feel free to ask me if you need any additional information about this problem, and I'll do my best to answer.



Custom title



Jan 19, 2018
  • May 28, 2023
  • #19

Aezeryel said:

If the issue was on my end I'd be having problems with other sites as well, not just MD.

To clarify, I said it's only on our end if it affects everyone, because the bad data would be right at the source in that case. That doesn't mean it therefore must be on your end, i.e. your browser, device, settings, etc., because there's a lot of stuff that's happening in the connection between your device and our servers. It may or may not be something you can influence, but finding out if it is is what the VPN/DNS recommendations are for.



Yuri Enjoyer



Feb 16, 2020
  • May 29, 2023
  • #20

olivetho said:

1) blocks all requests for a specific asset if a session has requested it too many times in a row, and 2) doesn't have a cooldown system in place to allow said session to access the asset again after some time has passed.

your guesses were all very reasonable, and that's what I checked for the people on discord, to no avail :/
also our rate-limit system does have a cooldown and a grace period both, to handle both bursts and clients that stop misbehaving... :/ also if you get caught, refreshing the page would show a very clear "you are a banned" for a couple of minutes

my best guess is one of:
a. ISP f*ckup of some kind (we use BGP and if their ISP is flapping routes a lot, when this should be every few hours at most, that will break established TCP connections)
b. Some kind of MITM system bug causing in-transit TLS checks to fail every now and then (you'd be surprised at how many ISPs run those, on top of people's local AVs also running bootleg ones)
c. Some reverse proxy bug on our end, though we use HAProxy, which isn't exactly uncommon, as Wikipedia and other similarly large websites also do (because it is reliable)

So at this point we're kind of stuck on the way investigating why, because the next step is looking at packet captures, which is obviously not feasible in our context [Reader] Failed loading images after clicking "click to retry" (19)


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[Reader] Failed loading images after clicking "click to retry" (2024)


What size should images be for Squarespace? ›

Squarespace recommends using images that are between 1500 and 2500 pixels wide. Images smaller than 1500 pixels may appear blurry or pixelated when they stretch to fill containers, such as banners. In most cases, Squarespace will reformat large images to a maximum width of 2500 pixels.

What is a good bounce rate on Squarespace? ›

Bounce Rate: Ideally, you want this to be below 50%. A bounce rate between 26% and 40% is excellent. If it's higher than 70%, it's time to investigate potential issues, like slow page load times or irrelevant content.

What do RSS subscribers mean on Squarespace? ›

Web Developer & Squarespace Fan Author has 78 answers and 91.3K answer views 5y. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It allows users to subscribe to your content, most typically a blog or podcast.

What is too big for Squarespace images? ›

You don't need to resize your images if they're wider than 2500px and meet our other specifications, but if you're exporting your images specifically to upload to Squarespace, try to scale them to 2500px in width.

What is a bad bounce rate? ›

As a general guideline, a bounce rate of 40% or lower is considered good, while a bounce rate of 55% or higher is considered high and may indicate that improvements are needed to engage visitors and encourage them to explore more of your website.

Is 100% bounce rate bad? ›

If you bounce rate is between 60 to 80% you should be getting some results, but not great results. However when you have bounce rates in the 90 to 100% range, it basically means you are failing to attract your visitors deeper into your sales funnel.

Does bounce rate affect SEO? ›

Second, high bounce rate is often a symptom of weakness in other SEO factors. Here are just a few SEO problems you might want to check for when your bounce rate is abnormally high: Slow loading speed. Low-quality webpage design.

What does an RSS feed link look like? ›

The most common RSS links are made of the main domain (for example https://socialbee.com/) followed one of the following options: /feed/ /rss/ /blog/feed/

How do I change the RSS feed in Squarespace? ›

Copy your new RSS feed URL, and complete these steps in Squarespace:
  1. Open the Pages panel .
  2. Hover over your podcasting blog page title, and click. ...
  3. Click the Feeds tab.
  4. Click Podcasting.
  5. Scroll down and click Change Feed.
  6. Click Moving from Squarespace.
  7. Enter your new RSS feed URL in the field.
  8. Click Back, then click Save.
Dec 15, 2022

Do RSS feeds affect SEO? ›

Even though setting up an RSS feed for your blog doesn't have a direct impact on your SEO ranking, it could help Google crawl your pages faster and keep your userbase up to date with your content. If you are interested to see how RSS feeds look like, you can check out the RSS, Atom and JSON feeds on this website.

Are RSS feeds legal? ›

Copyright laws provide some guidelines regarding how to use RSS feeds. An RSS feed can be used for personal or non-commercial use as long as the content isn't changed. However, if you want to use an RSS feed for commercial purposes, you need to get permission from the owner of the content.

Why do people use RSS? ›

Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. News aggregators (or "RSS readers") can be built into a browser, installed on a desktop computer, or ...

What size should images be for Square website? ›

For images that are a part of your site design (e.g. header, banner, and background images), it's best to use an image that's at least 2,000 x 1,000 pixels.

What is the best image size for website content? ›

Generally recommended image sizes for websites
Website Image TypeImage Dimensions (W x H)Image Aspect Ratio
Hero Image1280 x 720 pixels16:9
Website Banner250 x 250 pixels1:1
Blog Image1200 x 630 pixels3:2
Logo (Rectangle)250 x 100 pixels2:3
6 more rows
Feb 27, 2024

What size should images be for website products? ›

Product Page Images

For product pages, use images about 640 x 640 or 800 x 800. This helps keep the image quality good and the page fast. Shopify suggests using 2048 by 2048 pixels for square photos. This keeps them clear without slowing down the site.

How do I optimize my Squarespace website for photos? ›

Here's a quick recap of sizes that you should aim for:
  1. Large banner images: 2000-2500px wide, aim for 500KB or less.
  2. Medium website images: 500-1500px wide, aim for between 100-400KB.
  3. Screenshots for blog or small images: 500px wide, aim for between 10-300KB.
May 12, 2024


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