Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (2024)

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Munch on these sweet and salty keto candied pecans recipe. They are just as addicting as the sugary kind you’ve enjoyed before – but fewer carbs!

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (1)

This is the ultimate snack! When you see everyone munching on candy corn and cookies, you have a secret weapon that will keep you in ketosis without feeling left out.

Similar Keto Snacks: Keto No Bake Caramel Pecan Cookies, Keto Pumpkin Pecan Bagels

Best Keto Candied Pecans

I was so excited when I figured out how to make sugar-free candied pecans! They have that trademark sweet and crispy exterior and nutty taste on the inside. The flavors are layered to perfection. Be careful, you’ll eat more than you planned, they are that good!

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (2)

Sweet Keto Treats

When your sugar craving hits, it helps to have something on-hand that you can enjoy. It helps you turn down the temptation to eat sugary snacks.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (3)

Make an extra-large batch of these pecans. They make a great homemade keto food gift. It’s so much less expensive to make your own than to buy the pre-packaged varieties.

Keto Candied Pecan in Oven

When you make the candied pecans in the oven, they crystalize and turn a really sweet and sugary texture. When you make them, be sure to use a brown sugar substitute like Sukrin Gold or Monkfruit Gold Sweetener. This will give you the best results.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (4)

These pecans are perfect for snacking or entertaining. If you have a party coming up, bring a bowl of these pecans. No one will be able to tell they are ket0-friendly, and you’ll have something that you will enjoy snacking on with everyone else.

How To Store Keto Candied Pecans

You can store them in a sealed bag or container and keep them at room temperature in your pantry or on your counter. They will stay fresh at room temperature for up to a week.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (5)

If you want them to last even longer store them in your refrigerator. They will stay fresh in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (6)

You can freeze them – they will last about 2 months in the freezer. However, to prevent them from freezing into a giant iceball spread them out on a baking sheet in a single layer and freeze them that way first. After they are completely frozen, you can store them in a mag together and put them back in the freezer.

Other Ways To Serve Candied Pecans

Not only do these pecans make the perfect snack, but you can use them as a keto-friendly crunching topping for lots of different foods. Add it on top of your favorite low-carb ice cream.

Another delicious way to enjoy these pecans is to toss them on top of a fresh salad or even sprinkle them on your pancakes or these Flaxseed Muffins!

Below is the complete list if ingredients that you’ll need to make this recipe. Exact measurements can be found below within the printable recipe card!


  • Pecan halves
  • Egg white
  • Vanilla
  • Brown sugar substitute (sukrin gold, monkfruit golden sweetener)
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Nutmeg
  • Butter – melted


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (7)

Whisk egg white until frothy.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (8)

In a large bowl, combine pecans with egg whites, vanilla and melted butter.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (9)

Toss with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (10)

Stir in brown sugar substitute.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (11)

Spread pecans on a large baking sheet. Bake for approximately 20 minutes, tossing halfway.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (12)

Remove and let cool. The pecans will become more crunchy as they cool.

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Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (14)


keto candied pecans recipe

These keto candied pecans are ready in about 20 minutes. They come out crispy and sweet - without hardly any carbs.


Keywordketo candied pecans recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes

Cook Time 20 minutes

Total Time 25 minutes

Servings 8 servings

Calories 200 kcal


  • 4cupspecan halves
  • 1egg white
  • 1tspvanilla
  • 1cupbrown sugar substitute
  • 2tspcinnamon
  • 1/2tspcloves
  • 1/2tspnutmeg
  • 1/4cupbuttermelted


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

  2. Whisk egg white until frothy.

  3. In a large bowl, combine pecans with egg whites, vanilla and melted butter.

  4. Toss with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

  5. Stir in brown sugar substitute.

  6. Spread pecans on a large baking sheet. Bake for approximately 20 minutes, tossing halfway.

  7. Remove and let cool. The pecans will become more crunchy as they cool.

Recipe Notes

Net Carbs: 4 Net Carbs Per Serving

The nutritional information for this recipe is calculated as a courtesy and is an approximate only. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information for any recipes on this site.

Holiday Keto Snacks

If you enjoyed these keto candied pecans, then you are going to adore the rest of these holiday keto recipes too.

  • Keto Pumpkin Pecan Chaffle
  • Keto Cauliflower Stuffing


Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (15)

About Jasmine Espinal

Stylish Cravings is the personal lifestyle blog of Jasmine Espinal. We cover everything from style, DIY's, shopping tips, recipes we love and daily tidbits on life with 7 kids.

Keto Candied Pecans Recipe - Simple Low-Carb Dessert - Stylish Cravings (2024)


What is a serving of pecans on keto diet? ›

With carb restriction of about 20-50g per day, adding pecans to your keto diet is a good idea, since you'll get 1g of net carbs if you eat about 19 halves of pecan nuts. The nuts also have about 70% fats, which is an excellent addition in achieving ketosis.

Are salted pecans Keto? ›

Pecans are easily one of the healthier snacks out there. They are Keto friendly and so delicious! A hand full of these babies and you can make it through just about anything.

Can I eat as many nuts as I want on keto? ›

While nuts are overall great to include on a keto diet, it's important to limit your portions to a serving or two (1–2 oz.) per day. For reference, one ounce of nuts is about the size of a small handful. Avoid nuts that have been treated and flavored with other ingredients, such as sugar and other glazes.

How many pecans a day on keto? ›

You can munch on an ounce, or about 19 pecan halves, for roughly 20 grams of fat and only 4 grams of carbs.

Are walnuts or pecans better for Keto? ›

Pecans contain the least amount of carbs out of all nuts, with only one ounce of pecans containing just one gram of net carbs. They're also loaded with an array of important nutrients like thiamine, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Are pecans good on a low carb diet? ›

CARB CONSCIOUS: Pecans are naturally low in carbohydrates… always have been, always will be. In fact, a handful of pecans (one ounce of pecans) contains only 4 grams of carbohydrates! That means that nutrient-dense pecans can add flavor, nutrition and disease-fighting properties to any diet that limits carbs.

Can diabetics eat candied pecans? ›

Since nuts are low on the glycemic index, pecans can slow the body's absorption of carbohydrates down, which ultimately leads to lower blood glucose (sugar) levels; just ensure you're using unsalted, dry-roasted pecans and not candied pecans that can be high in sugar and added fat.

What is the healthiest nut on keto? ›

Almonds take the top spot on the list of keto friendly nuts. Pecans are a delightful addition to the keto arsenal. With roughly 1-2 grams of net carbs per ounce, pecans make it easy to stay within your carb limits.

What is the healthiest nut to eat? ›

Most nuts appear to be generally healthy. But some may have more heart-healthy nutrients than others. For example, walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans also appear to be quite heart healthy.

What is the daily serving of pecans? ›

Like many other nuts, pecans contain a high percentage of fat and can lead to diarrhea if too many are eaten in a short amount of time. Over-consumption may also lead to digestive issues like gas and bloating. Recommendation: One ounce (15-19) pecan halves per day.

Are walnuts or pecans better for keto? ›

Pecans contain the least amount of carbs out of all nuts, with only one ounce of pecans containing just one gram of net carbs. They're also loaded with an array of important nutrients like thiamine, magnesium, and phosphorus.

How many net carbs in a serving of pecans? ›

In fact, pecans are loaded with an array of important nutrients like thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc ( 1 ). They're also very low in carbs, delivering a little over 1 gram of net carbs per 1-ounce (28-gram) serving.

How many carbs are in pecans on keto diet? ›

Pecans have the lowest net carb content of any nut. In fact, one ounce of pecans contains just 1.1 grams of net carbs! This means that you can enjoy pecans as snacks and in some of your favorite pecan recipes all while sticking to a low-carb diet.


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