Hamid Sakhizada | Legally Blonde Parents Guide (2024)

Legally Blonde Parents Guide

by admin on November 15, 2022 in

Elle Woods wants to challenge the blonde cliché. While far from conservative, how does she show her commendable qualities of compassion and personal integrity in this story? What did law school teach you about personal ethics? What does their choice of computer say about their individuality? Overall: C+ While Elle Woods does her best to dispel the blonde stereotype, the sexual content and language make Legally Blonde a family crime. Students and a teacher discuss a legal case and there are several references to “sperm donor” and “sem*n emissions”. Although these terms are used in a clinical sense, some parents may feel uncomfortable hearing them, especially since this scene lasts several minutes and the subject is discussed at length. Reese Witherspoon plays a young woman who seems to do everything for her, except that her boyfriend`s family thinks she`s not smart enough because she`s a natural blonde. So she entered Harvard Law to prove that stereotypes are false. Also starring Matthew Davis, Selma Blair, Luke Wilson and Victor Garber. [1:34] Prepared for 90 minutes of silly blonde jokes, I was surprised by the more serious – if simplistic – examination of Legally Blonde`s madness to make assumptions based on face value (or hair color). But for all its poof and coiff, parents may find the sexual content of the film too outrageous to recommend it to the family. Families can talk about why she didn`t have higher expectations of herself at the beginning of Legally Blonde and the role her parents played in how she felt about her future. Other negatives: Nothing against the film`s emphasis on girls` power, but with one exception (Luke Wilson), the notable men in this story are either empty boys, smug idiots, emasculated gays, or inept dweebs. Statements such as “men are big fat retardants” contribute to the denigration of men.

Elsewhere, Elle`s refusal to betray Brooke`s trust has a moral downside that is glossed over. It seems that the guru of the exercise video is that she underwent liposuction at the time of the murder (the big secret), and if the news circulates, her reputation would be ruined. Okay, Brooke may not be a murderer, but don`t her fans deserve to know she`s a sham? The pun in the title also seems rather insensitive to those who are truly “legally blind.” “LEGAL BLONDE” (2001) (Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson) (PG-13) Alcohol/Drugs Disrespectful blood/blood/Bad attitude Scary/tense scenes Guns/Weapons Moderate None *No imitationJumpScenes behavior Music (scary/tense) Music (inappropriate) Mild obscenity No moderate sex/nudity Tense smoking Family scenes Topics to talk about violence Moderate No minors Moderate Minor QUICK TAKE: Comedy: Hope to win back her notorious boyfriend who calls her because of her golden curls, an otherwise happy blonde who is accepted into the same law school he attends, and then has to deal with other people`s preconceptions about her based on her appearance. LAND: Elle Woods (REESE WITHERSPOON) has lived the good life. Not only is she a natural blonde who comes from a wealthy family, but she is also an honorary student and the president of her sisterhood, Delta Nu, was a homecoming queen at CULA and has two great friends in sister sisters Margot (JESSICA CAUFFIEL) and Serena (ALANNA UBACH). Then there`s her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III (MATTHEW DAVIS), on whom all the other girls faint and wish they could be theirs. She and her friends believe that he is going to propose to her at a fancy dinner, but to her surprise, he decides to drop her because she is too blonde and not serious enough or smart enough for his political future, which is supposed to start with attending Harvard Law School. Desperate to win him back, she decides to enroll in it too – despite her degree in fashion merchandising – and manages to learn hard enough and use her perkiness and sexuality to be admitted.

When she arrives in Massachusetts from California, she stands out as a sore thumb — not only because of her hair, but also because of her bubbly personality and extravagant clothes — and tries to look surprised when she meets Warner. She soon realizes that her plan will not be as simple as initially thought. Her first teacher, Professor Stromwell (HOLLAND TAYLOR), puts her in her place because she is not prepared for classes, and it turns out that Warner now sees Vivian Kensington (SELMA BLAIR), another law student he dated in kindergarten and who now seems determined to be a constant thorn in Elle`s side. She finds a soulmate in Paulette (JENNIFER COOLIDGE), a local manicurist, and receives advice from Emmett (LUKE WILSON), a legal assistant to Professor Callahan (VICTOR GARBER), an instructor who is also a practicing lawyer and is looking for promising students to complete his internship program. When Warner insults Elle`s potential again, she decides to prove him wrong and sets out to get one of these seats. When she and other law students like Enid (MERDITH SCOTT LYNN) and David (OZ PERKINS) compete for internships, she eventually helps Callahan in a murder case in which her client, Brooke Taylor Windham (ALI LARTER), a former Delta Nu, has been accused of shooting her rich, much older husband. When the case begins and witnesses such as the deceased`s adult daughter, Chutney (LINDA CARDELLINI), her mother, Mrs. Windham Vandermark (RAQUEL WELCH), the deceased`s ex-wife, and Enrique (GREG SERANO), the pool boy, set out to help her sister sister and prove that blondes can have fun and do something of themselves at the same time. WILL CHILDREN WANT TO SEE IT? Many teens will probably want to see it, especially if they`re fans of someone in the cast or liked movies like “Clueless” and “10 Things I Hate About You.” WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: PG-13 For language and sexual references.

REESE WITHERSPOON plays a cheeky and bubbly student who decides to study law to get her boyfriend back after he leaves her because she is too blonde and not serious enough for her reputation. Although she sometimes behaves dirty, she is intelligent and eventually proves herself. She briefly uses blasphemies. JESSICA CAUFFIEL and ALANNA UBACH play their sisters and best friends just as alive. Matthew Davis plays Elle`s boyfriend, who leaves her because of his blonde appearance and reputation for being seen with such a woman. He briefly uses blasphemies. SELMA BLAIR plays his new girlfriend, a fellow law student who has decided to be mean to Elle, even though she ends up changing paths. VICTOR GARBER plays a law professor and practicing lawyer who sees Elle`s potential and gives her one of his coveted internships, but we eventually learn that he did it for sexual reasons. LUKE WILSON plays her assistant, who befriends and helps her.

Hamid Sakhizada |   Legally Blonde Parents Guide (2024)


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