Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (2024)

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  • 8 May 2024

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Userlevel 7

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (1)

  • prAsco

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies

I just want to put my review (app store) from the latest update here in as already so many of us feel the same way:

first of all - i m a customer and fan since 2011 and i ve several setups in my home: 1x arc - 2x era 300 - 1x sub (3rd gen) - 1x beam (2nd gen) - 2x era 100 - 1x one (2nd gen). also i m a software dev and system admin for about 25y (large international corporation). yesterday I downloaded the new update and it s a total failure and complete disaster! it s so bad that i m willed to sell all my speakers if it s not corrected or will be rollbacked. the new design is neither intuitive nor performant (iPhone 14 pro) and also key features missing like editing an actual playlist/cue, sleep timer, alarm, etc. also my favorites don’t work anymore, can’t mute, can’t switch between tv and music, nas settings gone and are not available, some services had to been removed and new connected, etc.

how is it possible that a big company like this „burn it down to the ground“ when the app before was nearly perfect?! where is the quality management, the testing rings, etc.? it s unbelievable - such an disappointment and like i wrote before - if this is the new way i m out and selling all my speakers. you can also read a lot of the same opinions in the official sonos community/forum. this is all a huge L

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Userlevel 6

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (2)

  • ggodec

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

Absolutely agree, I have dozens of Sonos products over multiple homes and locations and this update has me looking at alternatives. I have tens of thousands of songs that I bought and own and Sonos was the one product that let me listen to them anywhere with ease. The new apps is an abomination - when a company sends out an MVP as a production product users suffer and customers leave. I am not a user of any voice apps and don’t need you to prompt me at every turn to enable them. Please post how to rollback to a fully functional apps as soon as possible.

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Userlevel 4

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (3)

  • Conair

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

We purchased Sonos for the hardware and organized, convenient streaming, not to harvest our data and act as a content provider and curator. The updated app is not user friendly and as noted by other users, has eliminated the features that greatly enhanced the customer experience. Roll it back.

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Userlevel 7

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (4)

  • prAsco

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

in addition - that s what i placed on Sonos via Facebook:

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (5)
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Userlevel 4

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (6)

  • risdonc

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

Am also very upset to lose functionality that I rely on and use every day. Setting an alarm with my phonefor the next morning is such a straightforward thing - what were they thinking to release an app that doesnt even do that!

(and, having bought my loyalty for 15+ years, why would I stay?)

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Userlevel 5

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (7)

  • David Warren

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

Just seconding what’s being said. This update is a disaster that doesn’t work. Can’t create a queue or play more than one song at a time. I’ve been on the phone with Sonos for an hour and a half and they confirm this. I can’t play anything from only of my playlists on Apple Music and can select one song at a time from Apple Music. this is how Sonos launched the update. I’m ready to replace all my speakers and use a different system.

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Userlevel 3

  • IanGolding

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

Awful experience

No Sleep Timer

No Alarm


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Userlevel 3

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (8) +1

  • Tarny1234

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  • 20 days ago 8 May 2024

Yep, Im with you. bought new items today to add to my old ones, now 1/3 of the system is working. Disappointing. No support available, must be having a melt down. Show do we downgrade to S2?

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Userlevel 3

  • Peter Glasner

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

This is a nightmare and has ruined my ability to play music. When will it be possible to return to the previous version of the Sonos App, which was working just fine. I just spent hours and hours on the phone with Apple, erasing my phone and restoring from a backup from yesterday, but Sonos has it set up that the new app version takes over.

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Userlevel 3

  • Studioriley

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

It's no good getting fancy ad types to upgrade your brand image when under the hood is such amazing vulnerability. What the hell happened?I have multiple set ups at the update has screwed with everything. I cannot use my SONOS system ….. same complaints as above. I talked to one small app for Sonos developer and they got no warning of this “upgrade” …. what happened to product marketing? They should not have released an app that was not ready.

I assume there will be som big fancies at SONOS soon.

Very very unhappy SONOS ex loyalist.

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Userlevel 3

  • Gumbo

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Very very unhappy. This new app is a disaster. Nothing will play. No Alarms. WTF

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Userlevel 4

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (9) +1

  • Lelutindecouves

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 14 replies
  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Horrible ! It’s a disaster ! I can’t control my music on NAS system, impossible to make lists, impossible to refresh my library, the album icons disappear etc…

An awful experience, is it a nightmare ?

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Userlevel 3

  • Lexie_lex

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

What a useless update. Not user friendly at all.

Favorites not available, last played stations not working. Can't change music stations

Why Sonos, what were you thinking?

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Userlevel 6

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (10) +1

  • Martin Hoegee

  • 8 replies
  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Another very unhappy customer here. Just no way to get the music playing from my nas again. What a total f***up 😤. Sonos, get this fixed asap!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

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Userlevel 3

  • Achmax

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

I fully agree, nothing works anymore.

Its not an upgrade, it’s downgrade back to stoneage !!!!

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Userlevel 3

  • John Lewis12

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

In full agreement and emailed my thoughts to Patrick Spence, the ceo of Sonos. Hisemail details are readily available on line and I encourage users to contact home to get things changed.

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Userlevel 2

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (11)

  • ebuckers

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  • 2 replies
  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Totally not usable. App reports the whole time that it can not find my system.. never had that until today with this new app. I found an "old Sonos APK" with version 16.1. Installed it and eveytthing works fine again.

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Userlevel 2

  • Gunnar W

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

I totally agree. The new update is a total disaster/mess. I have five different units, and suddenly it’s totally random which of the units playing what music. And sometimes I have to pull the plug out of the socket to stop the music. How is this at all possible from a big company like Sonos. Fortunately using Apple Music and Airplay is functioning, but still!

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Userlevel 2

  • Zanohead

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Unbelievably poor update. The worst is waiting for my music library to populate everytime is scroll through artist/song lists. If this isn’t fixed soon I’m out. Had multiple systems since 2015, each update seems to worsen performance. 😩

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Userlevel 3

  • Byron Roye

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

I have been a users and advocate for Sonos for over ten years. I looked forward to this update. But my, am I disappointed. Navigation is ponderous and flat out goofy. Why are there more steps and more cryptic steps to execute functions were done in fewer and less confusing steps. A great example is when you change a station or program I am forced to another screen to then hit a ‘play’ button. Many basic functions are gone. I can’t set the sleep timer.

Please allow us to go back to the old predecessor version or quickly resolve the many defects in the current version.

Why has Sonos management be so quietabout this disaster?

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Userlevel 2

  • Corneel

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Just adding my voice to the chorus. Just like other commenters upthread, I am very disappointed about the loss of the NAS functionality; poor navigation, no display of album art and most importantly no option to re-index my music library. And, since I am not on Windows or Mac, I am left without an official alternative to re-index.

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Userlevel 3

  • Rayagarcia

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Yes, absolute disaster. My first ever post was motivated by my disbelief and frustration. I have 23 Sonos zones in my house. While some glitches here and there, it was dependable for the most part. The moment I downloaded the app, everything fell apart - even after rebooting modem, everymesh WiFi, and each Sonos product. Music cuts out, unable to play, app takes forever to load…and, yes many features are removed or harder to access in exchange for a too ambitious and less functional experience - to say the least. I’m in too deep with Sonos, but this really makes me want to replace my entire system with a different solution. At least let us downgrade to the older version, as things get worked out. Terrible.

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Userlevel 3

  • Molly0303

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

How can a company like this roll this out- I’m so frustrated- like others I have my whole house connected through Sonos and have invested a great deal of$$ into my setup. Now cant see or edit a queue, I rely on a NAS, can’t use the desktop app, change the individual volume of paired devices and even unable to set a sleep timer! Basic Day 1 functionality items.

My port isn’t working now and says its not registered which I have to assume is connected to this rollout as it stopped working as soon as I updated the app. (and errors when I try to re-register) Was there any testing done on this?!? Utter failure and lost a lot of confidence in their ability to deliver working software.

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Userlevel 3

  • Molly0303

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  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Apparently the company was more focused on their earnings call Monday then delivering an app...here is a blurb from their earnings call transcript...

The first is the all new Sonos app. This is our most extensive app redesign and re-architecture yet. Our original app was designed and architected over a decade ago, when Sonos and our customers' needs were very different. We started from the ground up so we can build an app that would deliver our customers a great experience every day, allow us to more easily add new products and categories to it and move faster with new innovations and features going forward. Our new app bring services, content and system controls to one customizable home screen, creating an unprecedented streaming experience.

Best of all, our redesigned app is easier, faster, and better. It once again raises the bar for the home music listening experience and sets up our ability to expand into new categories and experiences. Our app is a proof point of what we have always said. We are the story of software eating audio. Our software truly differentiates our products from everything else on the market and is key to unlocking the opportunity ahead for us.

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Userlevel 2

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (12) +1

  • rostasi

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  • 18 replies
  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Folks, it’s called technological ens*itification. If you want what was once good and *free*,
you will soon be able to get that *service* back by subscribing to some “top level” BS scam.
Watch for it.

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Userlevel 3

Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (13)

  • Mark Robson

  • Enthusiast I
  • 23 replies
  • 19 days ago 9 May 2024

Yep, Im with you. bought new items today to add to my old ones, now 1/3 of the system is working. Disappointing. No support available, must be having a melt down. Show do we downgrade to S2?

Really good point! Should be a way to roll back. Might need to look for an alternative app to control these as it’s unbelievably bad.

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Disaster App Update 80.xx.xx - May 2024 | Sonos Community (2024)


Why is my Sonos app not working? ›

If you've replaced your router or changed your WiFi network name or password, the Sonos app will lose its connection with your Sonos products. Get help with updating the network information on your Sonos system in order to get reconnected.

Why did my Sonos app change from brown to black? ›

The Sonos app will automatically change to dark mode or light mode depending on your mobile device's settings. However, you can manually change the Sonos app's appearance by following the steps below: Open the Sonos app for iOS or Android. Go to the Account menu and select App Preferences.

Why did Sonos change their app? ›

Spence said that for years, customers' top complaint was the Sonos app was clunky and slow to connect to their speakers. Spence said the new app is zippier and easier for Sonos to update.

How do you clear the queue on Sonos app? ›

Remove a track by selecting the icon next to a track and then choosing Delete. Clear the queue by selecting the Clear button at the bottom of the screen. If music is playing when you clear the queue, it will be stopped.


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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