Broken Dreams - Chapter 10 - Masterlink895 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 10 (Arc 2)

Opening Scene: Temp-Home

The next day, Ichigo woke up with Yuzu and Karin claimed the left and right side of Ichigo. Eu was lying on Ichigo's chest. Valiona and Kisara cuddled behind Yuzu and Karin. "Girls. Its morning and I got stuff to do today." Ichigo said. The girls untangled themselves and allowed Ichigo to get out of bed. Ichigo then headed to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, everyone was sitting down and eating breakfast. "Girls, I will be going to see Sirzechs and receive my payment from the three fractions," Ichigo said.

"Ok!" The girls said. Ichigo ripped open a red Garganta. Right before Ichigo jumped in, Ichigo remembered something.

"Girls!" Ichigo yelled. Everyone looked at Ichigo. "While I am gone, pack all of your personal belongings. Also, in a few hours, Grayfia is going to pick you all up to get dressed up for a formal evening party Sirzechs invited us to tonight." Ichigo said and quickly jumped in the red Garganta.

"WHAT!" All five girls yelled out.

Scene Change: Sirzechs's office

Ichigo jumped out of the red Garganta and see Sirzechs, Michael and Azazel standing in the office.

"Hello everyone," Ichigo said.

"Hello," Sirzechs said.

"Hello Ichigo-kun," Michael said.

"Yo," Azazel said.

"Now that you are here, let's start giving you the payment," Sirzechs said. He walked behind his decks and pulled out a black briefcase and placed it on the table. "Ichigo, I want you to pour as much of your reiatsu as you can into this black briefcase until you hear a crack sound," Sirzechs instructed Ichigo. Ichigo grabbed the briefcase and send it to this mindscape. There his spirits began to flood the briefcase with his Reiatsu. Soon enough they heard a loud crack. Ichigo soon brought the briefcase back out. "Now then, place the briefcase on my table and open it," Sirzechs said. Ichigo did as instructed. The briefcase contained a complete set of Evil Pieces. Unlike their normal coloring, white with black engravings, these appear to be black with red engravings. "My payment for your services for these past weeks is your own set of Evil Pieces. Ajuka decided to name them Chaos Pieces since they are very different compared to the original Evil Pieces he made. Unlike the normal ones, these will not change the receiver into a devil." Sirzechs explained. As he presented the pieces to Ichigo, Sirzechs commented when he saw the pieces. "Somehow all of your pieces appear to be mutated pieces," Sirzechs commented. Ichigo then took the King piece and allow it to be absorbed into this body. From his mindscape, he can see that one of his Skyscrapers became the King piece. "Ichigo do you know what to say to use the pieces?" Sirzechs asked.

"I do," Ichigo said. Sirzechs sat back down and Azazel stood up.

"Ichigo from me, I give you this… BRAND NEW CAR!" Azazel said threw a set of keys to Ichigo. "To summon the car from anywhere, just click the red button on the back. The car is a Black Challenger SRT Hellcat. It also has a special modification to it that I'll show you after the meeting." Azazel said.

"Ok," Ichigo said. Azazel sat down and Michael stood up.

"Ichigo. Thank you for all your assistance. Unlike my other leaders, I do not have many material things to give as payment." Michael started. "However, I do have access to much-lost knowledge. My payment for your services for these past weeks is this." Michael said and gave Ichigo a USB.

"What's in here?" Ichigo asked.

"What I gave you is a digital copy of all knowledge locked inside the Vatican Secret Archives," Michael said casually.

"WHAT!" Ichigo, Azazel, and Sirzechs yelled. Ichigo looked at the two and asked. "Wait. Why are you two surprised?"

"Well Ichigo, the Vatican Secret Archives contain much knowledge that not even I know of," Sirzechs said.

"In various times, many other groups would attempt to enter the Vatican Secret Archives to seek out Heaven's secrets. I would know because I tried to enter once." Azazel said.

"Correction twelve times." Michael corrected. Ichigo could see Azazel pouting. "Where was I…Yes Ichigo. I honestly had a very hard decision on what to give you. You already had power. You also have many weapons. So I decided to give you knowledge." Michael said. He then summoned a silver suitcase and gave it to Ichigo. Ichigo placed the suitcase on Sirzechs's table and opened it. Ichigo gasped at what was inside. Inside were various texts from Shakespeare. Ichigo gently picked one up and looked inside.

"How did you manage to get a First Edition, signed copy of Shakespeare various novels?" Ichigo yelled. Michael gave Ichigo a small smile.

"Magic my friend," Michael said and disappeared. Ichigo sent both briefcases and the USB to his mindscape.

"Sirzechs, before I leave with Azazel, can you explain to me what is Khaos Brigade?" Ichigo asked.

"They are new factions formed. Rumors have it where it is lead by Ophis." Sirzechs said.

"Who is Ophis?" Ichigo asked.

"Ophis is the Dragon God known as the Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God. She is one of the most powerful beings in existence." Azazel said. With Ichigo's small amount of curiosity satisfied, everyone Ichigo and Azazel stood up said bye to Sirzechs and entered a red Garganta.

Scene Change: Temp-Home

Ichigo and Azazel appeared outside the house Ichigo lived in for the few weeks.

"Come on. Remember you can summon her by pressing the red button." Azazel instructed. Ichigo found that the key has three buttons, a lock button, and an unlock button and a red button. Ichigo then pressed the red button. A few seconds later, the car appeared in front of them. It was like what Azazel said it was, a Black Challenger SRT Hellcat. Unlike a normal Challenger SRT Hellcat, it had four doors instead of the normal two doors.

"This modified Black Challenger SRT Hellcat has an option where it opens a small pocket dimension. It is a house very similar to this." Azazel then showed Ichigo how to access it. Azazel inserted the key into the car and then pressed the unlock button. From there, Azazel pulled out the key and the two walked in from the backside. In it, the pocket dimension looks and feels like the house Ichigo lived in for the few weeks. Azazel showed Ichigo a tablet on the wall. "If you need anything added such as a shooting range or a pool or more rooms, or one big room, then type it here and it will be added," Azazel instructed and demonstrated. They soon left the pocket dimension. "The car itself is made of a special type of metal I invented. If the metal is damaged…" Azazel said and fired a holy javelin in the car. The car got dent by the attack and then began to self-repair itself. "The titanium will repair itself when damaged. The glass around the car also has the same ability as the titanium. It also has a special camouflage mode to allow it to blend in with its surroundings. It also can act like you're Quincy Ring and fire rounds made of Reiatsu. The last thing, the car can drive on land and sea. It can also withstand traveling through dimensions; that includes going to Heaven, Underworld and Soul Society." Azazel finished.

"How is this powered?" Ichigo asked.

"It is powered by your reiatsu and the reishi in the air," Azazel answered.

"Thanks," Ichigo said as Azazel disappeared. Ichigo decided to visit Yasaka and Kunou before he leaves Kuoh Town. Ichigo opened and left in a black Garganta.

Scene Change: Kyoto: Yasaka's temple

Ichigo jumped out of the Garganta to Yasaka's courtyard. Ichigo walked around the courtyard. He found Yasaka leaning on a tree with Kunou lying on her lap.

"Hello Yasaka," Ichigo said.

"PAPA!" Kunou screamed and tackled Ichigo's leg.

"Hello Ichigo," Yasaka said. "What brings you here?" She asked.

"Well… I just received my payment from the three fractions and I am planning to go somewhere else." Ichigo said.

"Are you going to leave me and momma?" Kunou asked as she looked at Ichigo. Ichigo could tell that Kunou was sad and about to cry.

"I…I am not leaving you and your momma forever," Ichigo said. "I'll come to visit soon. I'll bring your two Obasan as well." Ichigo said.

"Really!?" Kunou asked.

"I promise," Ichigo said.

"Huggy?" Kunou asked. Ichigo chuckled. Ichigo lowered himself and hugged Kunou.

"Hey Yasaka, do you and Kunou want to go out for lunch?" Ichigo asked.

"I must apologize; I can't leave the temple due to a prearranged meeting but, if you want to take Kunou with you that is fine." She said. Ichigo and a properly dressed Kunou went out to Kyoto for lunch.

"Kunou what do you want to eat?" Ichigo asked.

"Um... "Kunou said trying to think, making an adorable face. Ichigo laughed at her face. When she sees her Papa laughing at her, she blushed red and hid her face in Ichigo's long hair. Eventually, the two went to a ramen stall. Ichigo realized that this is the same one they went to the first time. The two enjoyed their meal, with Ichigo feeding Kunou mostly. While they were walking, they passed by a Bakery that sold cakes.

"Papa!" Kunou said, getting Ichigo's attention.

"Yes, Kunou?" Ichigo asked wondering what got her attention.

"Can we go in here?" She asked and pointed at the Bakery.

"Sure," Ichigo said.

"Yay!" Kunou said and the two walked in. Inside the bakery, Ichigo put Kunou down and let her walk around admiring the cakes and other baked goods. Ichigo thought maybe the others want some cake and decided to call them.

"Hey Eu," Ichigo called from his phone. Ichigo didn't realize that while he was talking on the phone someone else is eavesdropping.

"Eu? Does he mean Eucliwood? I must investigate more."The person wondered.

"So… you and Karin want chocolate cake, Yuzu wants strawberry cheesecake and both Kisara and Valiona want red velvet," Ichigo said.

"Yes," Eu replied.

"Ok. See ya later," Ichigo said and hung up.

"The person you were talking to that you called Eu, is she Eucliwood Hellscythe?" The little girl asked. Ichigo was quite surprised that this person knew Eu's full name. The young girl has long black hair down to her hips and gray eyes and wore a black Gothic Lolita dress.

"Yes. That was her. Who are you if I may ask?" Ichigo replied.

"My name is Ophis." She replied. "What is your name," she asked.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," Ichigo replied.

"sh*t… sh*t! I am going to stab Zeoticus when I see him!"Ichigo mentally noted as he recalled his previous discussion with him. Ophis nodded in recognizing that name. Ichigo stood their wait for his cake orders. "Um… what are you doing here by the way?" Ichigo asked noticing Ophis was looking at various desserts. She pointed at the various desserts in the display.

"I want to eat these cookies, but he will not allow me to. He keeps on telling me I need something called money." Ophis said. Ichigo just sighed and walked back to the counter and added the cookies Ophis wanted to this bill. Ten minutes the baker handed Ichigo all the desserts he ordered. Ichigo ordered two mochi cakes for Kunou and Yasaka, two Chocolate cakes for Eu and Karin, two Red Velvet cakes for Valiona and Kisara, a Strawberry Cheesecake for Yuzu, and four boxes of cookies for Ophis.

"Here," Ichigo said and handed Ophis the four boxes of cookies. As Ichigo was walking back to Yasaka's temple, Ophis followed along.

"How do you know Eucliwood?"Ophis asked.

"Well… I helped her similarly to you. I met her at another store..." Ichigo began telling Ophis of how he met Eu. Ophis remained silent throughout the entire story. Eventually, Ichigo returned Kunou to Yasaka and left with Ophis back to his house. "So Ophis… are the leader of Khaos Brigade?" Ichigo asked.

"No." She replied.

"No?" Ichigo questioned.

"I'm more of a figurehead than anything else," Ophis said.

"Why did you make Khaos Brigade if you are just a figurehead of the organization?" Ichigo asked.

"I didn't make it. It was already formed by the time they found me. I needed help with something at that time. In an exchange with helping me with my problem, they would spread rumors about me leading Khaos Brigade to attract other members and strike fear to their enemies." Ophis answered.

"So… why do you need their help?" Ichigo asked.

"I want to get rid of Great Red," Ophis said.

"Who?" Ichigo asked.

"Great Red is a powerful Dragon that resides in my Dimensional Gap," Ophis said.

"Ok… I don't see the problem." Ichigo said.

"With him there, I can't have the silence that I want. So, I decided to work with the Khaos Brigade to help me kill him." Ophis said.

"I see… You do know that it is impossible to kill Great Red." Ichigo replied.

"Why?" Ophis asked.

"Because both of you don't have any ties to the concept of death. Meaning you two cannot die." Ichigo said.

"… If those weaklings can't help me then can you help me?" Ophis asked.

"No," Ichigo responded.

"You can still weaken him to the point where I can kick him out of my dimension," Ophis suggested.

"No!" Ichigo replied. "Have you at least considered talking to him?" Ichigo asked. Ophis didn't respond for a few seconds. Before he could protest, Ophis grabbed Ichigo's arm and dragged Ichigo through a portal.

Scene Change: Dimension Gap

When Ichigo's sight cleared up again, he realized that he was in the iridescent amalgamation of colors. Ichigo decided to assume that this is Ophis's Dimensional gap. A second later, he heard something that sounded akin to a loud cheer or whoop of joy, followed by a massive red Western Dragon with a horn on its snout appearing right in front of him.

"Hello. Your name is Kurosaki Ichigo right?" Great Red said.

"Yes. Is your name Great Red." Ichigo asked.

"Yes it is." the giant dragon replied. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Yeah, I was kind of dragged here by little Miss Ophis right here." He placed his right hand atop 'her' head for emphasis.

"Really? Why?" Great Red inquired.

"She's trying to get me to help her kill you," Ichigo answered.

"She wants to kill me? Why's that?" Great Red asked.

"Something about you barging into her home and taking away the silence that she loves so much," Ichigo answered.

"Well, she should have just come and told me so." Great Red stated, causing Ophis to look at him with wide eyes. "I would have been quieter and moved over to another part of the Dimensional gap."

"See?! I told you that you should have just talked to him!" he reprimanded. "You never even considered doing that, and when I mentioned it you just brushed it off! What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?" Ophis lowered her head in shame.

"Sorry. Sorry for not listening and for causing you trouble." Ophis said.

"You know," Great Red interrupted. "Seeing this makes you two looks like a nīsan and imōto, especially with the nīsan telling-off you just gave her." Ichigo looked at the red dragon in shock, having not realized that he'd gone into his Onii-Chan Mode.

"Damn it. I did that instinctively, probably because she looks a similar age to my younger sisters."Ichigo thought. Ophis on the other hand immediately grabbed the teen's hand.

"Onii-Chan…" Ophis said. Ichigo sighed. While Great Red laughed and Ophis smiled. Once Great Red stopped laughing, he continued talking to Ichigo.

"Ichigo. Thank you for solving Ophis's problem with me. I knew she didn't like me but never said why or told me. To show thanks, I will give you a few gifts. My first gift is my blessing." Great Red said. "My blessing, if you get Ophis as well, will allow you to slowly remove the concept of death from you. For you to finish the process, you need the approval of five other Gods/Goddesses that associate with the concept of Death to approve." Great Red said.

"Why?" Ichigo asked. "Couldn't you two remove it for me?" Great Red nodded its head.

"The reason is quite simple and complex at the same time." Great Red said. "The simple reason is that I or Ophis has that ability." Ichigo nodded his head, understanding the logic of that. "As for why you need to seek out five Gods/Goddess is because they act as agents to the Concept of Death."

"You're saying as of the Concept of Death is a being on its own," Ichigo said.

"You're right Onii-chan," Ophis said. Ichigo looked at Ophis. "Both of us are known as conceptual beings, beings that represent different concepts of Reality. Many Gods/Goddess draw their powers from their followers or their respective conceptual being." Ophis said.

"I see…" Ichigo said as he processed this new information. "Wait. Will I be able to allow other people like friends or family to lose the concept of death?" Ichigo asked.

"I'm not sure. But, I believe that your Chaos pieces are linked to you so theoretically when you lose the concept of death this will apply to them as well." Great Red theorized. "Now then, second part. Summon your Ryūgonken." Great Red said.

"Ok," Ichigo said. "Conquer all who dare challenge my power, Ryūgonken!" Ichigo yelled. Draconic Regalia appeared and covered his entire body.

"Now then, I shall give your armor an upgrade. This upgrade will turn your armor from red to crimson. When the armor is damaged, it will automatically repair itself. It also can transform into whatever armor/clothing is needed. The last ability Draconic Regalia gains is another mode. This mode allows you to become a dragon temporally. Your hands and feet will have claws; you gain dragon wings, fly with your wings and breathe fire." Great Red said.

"Ok," Ichigo said. Great Red then chanted something Ichigo didn't understand. Suddenly Ichigo started to glow red. It soon faded. Ichigo looked at himself. Draconic Regalia now had a crimson color to it.

"So Ichigo… are you sure you wish for my blessing and my approval to begin the quest?" Ophis said.

"Yes I am," Ichigo said.

"My first blessing is giving you the ability called Parselmouth. It allows you to communicate and command all serpents of any kind. Whether they are real or fake they will obey you. The only exceptions are Great Red and I. We can resist this ability. Another ability I gave you is telepathy and shapeshift. My last thing is that I give you my approval for the quest." Ophis said. Ichigo then glowed black for a moment and stopped.

"Now the formal blessing to start the Quest." Great Red said. "Ichigo. Are you sure of this?" Great Red asked.

"I am," Ichigo replied.

"I, Great Red, also known as the Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, give my approval for Kurosaki Ichigo to start the Quest of Death." Great Red said. Ichigo started to glow. Gray and red began to dance around Ichigo.

"I, Ophis. also known as the Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God, give my approval for Kurosaki Ichigo to start the Quest of Death." Ophis said. Ichigo now glowed brighter. In addition to the Gray and red, black and purple began to dance around Ichigo. A few seconds the colors spun around Ichigo. Soon the colors were absorbed into Ichigo's body.

"The quest has begun." Ophis and Great Red said at the same time.

"Thank you," Ichigo said.

"Ichigo you can now open the portal to enter or leave the dimension gap at will now." Great Red said. Ichigo opened the portal and jumped in it. Ophis decided to follow Ichigo and jumped with him.

Scene Change: Sirzech's Mansion

While the girls finished changing and figuring out what to wear for the formal ceremony/dinner Sirzechs invited them to, they all were talking around a sitting room in the mansion. Suddenly everyone jumped from their seat when an unknown portal opened right in front of them. Grayfia, Eu. Kisara and Valiona got into a fighting stance ready to destroy whatever comes out of the portal. From the edge of the portal, they could see someone walking with a bunch of boxes. The person put the boxes down to reveal himself as Ichigo.

"Um… ladies, why do I feel like I am about to get jumped?" Ichigo asked.

"You came out of a dimensional portal!" Eu said.

"Master. We thought you were an enemy." Kisara said.

"Sorry about that. Here are the cakes you all wanted." Ichigo said. Ichigo took each cake and gave it to the girls. "Also, Eu I got a surprise for you," Ichigo said.

"Really?" Eu asked.

"You can come in now," Ichigo said. From the portal, everyone can see a young girl who has long black hair down to her hips and gray eyes and wore a black Gothic Lolita dress.

"Hello Eu," The young girl said.

"OPHIS!" Eu screamed and hugged her friend. Everyone except Grayfia quickly went and greeted the new friend.

"Ichigo-sama… how?" Grayfia asked.

"How I befriended Ophis?" Ichigo asked. Grayfia replied with a nod. Ichigo decided to get all the girls to sit around and Ichigo quickly explained to the girls what just happened. Once that was done, the girls decided to eat the cake and get to know Ophis and exchange stories.

"Ichi-nii… what are you going to wear?" Yuzu asked. All the girls stopped eating and looked at Ichigo.

"Well… I was planning to show up in my armor." Ichigo said.

"That could work if you want to become a part of our society," Grayfia said.

"All the Maou are going to be in their armor. Since you are attending the event as a guest, you will be in a suit." Grayfia said.

"Really?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes. Come on." Grayfia said. Ichigo sighed and followed Grayfia. The girls grabbed their cakes and followed Grayfia to see what Ichigo is doing to be dressed in.

Scene Change: Sirzechs's Mansion

Ichigo and everyone else showed at Sirzechs's mansion. Ichigo spent a few hours forced to trying on many different combinations of suits, ties, trousers, dress shirts. For the night, Ichigo wore a plain white dress shirt, a Charcoal color coat and trousers, a red tie and black loafers. Everyone, even Grayfia blushed at how handsome Ichigo looked. Yuzu was wearing a Navy Blue Flare Dress (1). Karin went with a Black Draped Jumpsuit (2). Eu went with her usual attire without the armor plates on. Eu and Grayfia had a little argument about this. Even though Ichigo managed to help Eu with her powers, Eu doesn't feel comfortable enough with other clothing. Kisara decided to go with a Gray Summer Dress (3). Valiona decided to go with a Black & Blue Tuxedo Dress (4). While the group was walking around, they noticed Rias and her peerage entering.

"Ichigo-senpai," Rias said when she noticed the group. Ichigo and his group walked to where Rias was to also see her peerage wearing their school uniform except Akeno who was wearing a black kimono.

"Hello," Ichigo said.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Sirzechs invited me here before I leave tomorrow," Ichigo said.

"You're leaving?" Akeno said.

"I am," Ichigo said.

"Good evening, Rias," Sona said as her peerage approached.

"Good evening, Sona," Rias said. As Sona approached closer, she saw Ichigo and his group.

"Good evening Kurosaki-sama," Sona said as she and her entire peerage bowed.

"Stop it please," Ichigo said. As Yuzu and Karin smiled seeing Ichigo's usually dislike for formalities.

"How is your training camp going?" Rias asked.

"So-so," Sona said.

"Hey Hyodo. How are things going?" Saji asked.

"Okay, I guess. What about you?" Issei asked.

"Me? Your teacher's been helping me." Saji said.

"Ichigo-senpai is helping you?" Issei said.

"What? No! I mean Tannin." Saji said. "Wait. You aren't training with Tannin?" Saji asked.

"Ichigo-senpai gave me a training guide to help me get stronger. Also, with Ichigo-senpai's help, Ddraig can teach me more about Boosted Gear. When Azazel found out about this, he allowed me to train on my own with him occasionally checking on me." Issei explained.

"Welcome!" A loud female voice yelled. Sona gave a slight shiver. "SONA!" the loud voice yelled as she got closer.

"Onēsan," Sona said.

"It has been a long time, Lady Serafall," Rias said.

"Oh, Rias! And it looks like the Red Dragon Emperor is doing well, too!" Serafall said.

"Y-Yes…" Issei said. Serafall noticed Yuzu and Karin. "And who are these two cute girls.

"They are my sisters," Ichigo said.

"Kurosaki-sama, you have sisters?" Sona said.

"Yes. I do. This is Yuzu and Karin." Ichigo said as he introduced the two to Serafall. Before Serafall could do anything to humiliate Sona or Ichigo's sister, Serafall's phone went off.

"Looks like the ceremony is going to start in ten minutes. Got to go!" Serafall said as she ran off.

"Ichigo-senpai, do you know where you're going to be seated?" Rias asked.

"No, I don't. Your brother didn't say anything in regards to that." Ichigo replied.

"For now, let's sit together." Rias proposed.

"Sure," Ichigo said. With that Rias and Sona guided the large group out to a hallway.

"We are to wait in this room until the ceremony begins. The other young devils are here, too. I hope nothing bad happens." Rias said.

"Yes," Sona said. Suddenly a large explosion hit. Ichigo immediately cast Dankū to protect the large group.

"It looks like you want to die, Zephyrdor." Someone said.

"You stink of virginity! What's wrong with saying the truth? You sh*tty bitch!" Another person yelled back.

"What's going on?" Xenovia asked.

"A fight?" Saji guessed.

"As I thought," Rias said.

"When young devils gather, this usually happens." Someone else said as he stops beside the large group.

"Sairaorg," Rias said.

"I'll say my greeting later." The newly named Sairaorg said. He then walked to the two who caused the destruction. "Stop, you two," Sairaorg said. "Princess of the Agares family, Seigvaira. Problem child of the Glaysa-Labolas family, Zephyrdor.

"Who you calling a problem child?! If you keep talking like that, I'll-" Zephyrdor yelled.

"This is sudden, but this is your last warning," Sairaorg said as he began to crack his knuckles. "Any more and you'll have to deal with me."

"You incompetent fool of the Bael family!" Zephyrdor said as he moved to a punch. Sairaorg moved to the side and punch Zephyrdor in the chest; sending him to the wall behind the large group. Asia got hit by the shockwave and was about to fall when someone stopped her fall.

"Are you all right?" The unknown devil asked.

"Oh. Yes." Asia squealed. The devil was a gentle-looking, handsome young man with Dark Green hair. He is wearing expensive clothing.

"Thank you," Asia said one she regained her balance.

"No problem, my lady." The unknown devil said and left the scene.

"A-Amazing," Saji said as he looked at the damage.

"He is the next leader of the Bael family, Sairaorg. He is my cousin." Rias explained. With that done, everyone entered another ballroom. Sona's peerage broke off and went to mingle with the other devils. Ichigo and his group decided to stay with Rias's group.

"I don't see Issei anywhere," Asia said when she noticed Issei isn't with them.

"Come to think of it, I don't see Buchou, either." Xenovia added.

"Oh. Good work, Baraqiel." Azazel said. Everyone looked at Azazel. Azazel noticed Ichigo looking at him, Azazel pointed at Ichigo and then pointed at a spot next to him. Ichigo sighed and walked right next to Azazel. "It's been a while, you sh*tty old man from the Northern countryside," Azazel said.

"It's been a long time, you bratty fallen angel." The old man said.

"It has been a long time, Lord Odin, God of the Asgard," Sirzechs said.

"Sirzechs, I came in response to your invitation," Odin said. "As well as to the other thing on the invitation," Odin added.

"Welcome, Lord Odin," Serafall said.

"Not good, Serafall," Odin said.

"Huh?" Serafall questioned.

"A young girl like you shouldn't be in such drab clothing at a party," Odin said.

"Well then," Serafall said. "Mirurun mirumiru spiral!" Serafall chanted. Ichigo saw Serafall transformed into her magical girl outfit.

"Why did I decided to come here?" Ichigo questioned himself.

"Oh? What is this?" Odin asked.

"Oh, you don't know? This is a magical girl." Serafall said as she struck her pose.

"Hm, it's not bad," Odin said.

"Please think of your position, Lord Odin!" The silver-haired girl said. Odin looked at her. "You represent all of Valhalla!" She said.

"Goodness, you're always so serious. That's why you can't get a single hero for yourself." Odin said. The silver-haired girl looked upset at the comment. Then her eyes began to water up. She then fell on her knees and cried.

"I believe I lost my sanity…" Ichigo mentally said.

"King. You lost that a long time ago…" Zangetsu commented. Ichigo ignored Zangetsu's jab at him.

"Sorry. This one here is Rossweisse. She's talented but too serious. She can't get a single boyfriend." Odin said. Rossweisse continued to cry even louder.

"I am very sorry for making you wait," Michael said. "Lord Odin, I am glad to see you in good health." With Michael here, Sirzechs decided to now start the ceremony. Sirzechs faked cough loud enough to get everyone's attention.

"Devils, gods, and fallen angels have reflected on the past and allied together, but there are ones who wish to start war once again. The new alliance with the Norse gods of Asgard is truly heartening." Sirzechs said to the audience. Sirzechs turned to Odin. "Lord Odin, if you have no objections, please sign the pact monument," Sirzechs said.

"Yes," Odin said as he walked to the monument and places his hand on the monument.

"I have an objection!" Someone yelled. Odin looked at the direction of the voice.

"So you came, after all. Foolish boy." Above the audience, a purple seal appeared and opened to allow a man to walk out of the seal. He has light blue hair that floats behind him with two small bangs. He also has a blue jewel on his forehead and yellow earrings.

"I am the Norse god, Loki!" Loki said.

"Well, this is a rare guest," Azazel said.

"Lord Loki, I thought you are a Norse god, you have no right to cause havoc here," Sirzechs said.

"Seeing our great Father mingling with other mythologies brings me intolerable pain," Loki said.

"Loki. If you return to Valhalla now, I will forgive you." Odin said.

"Forgive me? Don't joke around, old geezer." Loki said.

"How dare you speak to our great Father that way!" Rossweisse yelled.

"If he allies us with other mythologies, we will be unable to achieve Ragnarök!" Loki yelled.

"I've heard this argument before. You're connected to Khaos Brigade, aren't you?" Azazel said.

"I admit I've partnered with them. But this is of my own will! Come forth, my beloved son!" Loki yelled. A giant blue seal formed, knocking back many of the devils near Loki. From the blue seal, a large beast appeared. The beast appears to be a giant wolf with ash grey fur, standing at about 10 meters tall. The beast had two big yellow horns coming out of his shoulders. All the devils stood ready to fight the beast.

"Looks like I got to step in," Ichigo said. "BIND RHODONITE!" Ichigo yelled. His shadow immediately grew longer and bigger.

"Chains forged by darkness binds all in the name of science!"An ominous voice resonates as Rhodonite rose from Ichigo's shadow. Many of the members were shocked to see some sort of red robot standing ready to fight against the beast. Loki snapped his fingers. The wolf leaped and ready to cause chaos. Rhodonite shot his chains at the wolf and began to wrap around it.

"You think chains would be able to bind Fenrir!" Loki said.

"Are you sure about that?" Ichigo asked. Loki looked at Fenrir and gasped. Fenrir started to struggle against the chains. Then Fenrir's ash-gray fur became bleak gray. Fenrir stopped struggling. Then Fenrir's horns turned into that bleak gray.

"What did you do!?" Loki yelled. Ichigo ignored Loki. In Loki's rage, he didn't notice Rhodonite's chain flying towards him. Those chains quickly wrapped around him. Just like it did to his son, Loki turned bleak gray and stopped moving.

"Sirzechs and Odin, where do you want me to keep these two?" Ichigo asked.

"Would those pocket dimensions you created for those magicians work?" Sirzechs suggested.

"Sure. I'll have Rhodonite keep his chains around the two to prevent them from doing anything." Ichigo said. "RISE SHIROGANE!" Ichigo yelled. His shadow once again grew longer and bigger as Shirogane slowly rose from his shadow.

"Darker than darkness, emerging from the abyss, that is the sword that judges the shadow of science!"

"Shirogane, please open another pocket dimension to store these two and Rhodonite in," Ichigo said. Shirogane summoned its sword and created a pocket dimension. Rhodonite then entered the dimension while pulling Loki and Fenrir in it. Shirogane then willed the pocket dimension to close. Shirogane then looked at Ichigo. "Thank you. You are dismissed." Ichigo said. Shirogane nodded its head and entered the shadows again.

"Thank you Ichigo for the assistance," Sirzechs said.

"No problem. Call me when Odin is ready to meet with me." Ichigo said.

"Sure," Sirzechs said. Sirzechs managed to regain everyone's attention and resume the ceremony. After the ceremony was finished, the party continued. Many of the people were wary of talking to Ichigo because those who decided to watch Rias's Rating Game would tell others about Ichigo's status. Some didn't believe the rumors now believed them because of how casual Ichigo addresses many of the fraction leaders. Ichigo was at a circular table taking to Yuzu and Karin. Suddenly two figures walked and sat down at Ichigo's table.

"Hello Ichigo-kun." Venelana said.

"Hello Venelana and Zeoticus," Ichigo said.

"And who are these two you little ones," Zeoticus asked.

"These are my twin sisters Yuzu and Karin," Ichigo said. "Yuzu and Karin meet Zeoticus and Venelana," Ichigo said.

"Hello." Yuzu said.

"Hi," Karin said.

"Hello girls," Venelana said.

"Venelana. You guys never told me how you know our mother and Goat-Chin." Ichigo said.

"They know our parents?" Yuzu asked.

"Know them… we were friends for a while." Zeoticus said.

"Wait… Goat-Chin has friends!" Karin yelled.

"Yes, he does have friends," Zeoticus replied.

"So how did you meet him?" Ichigo asked.

"Before, all the devils lived in the underworld. If we wanted to go to Japan, we needed Lord Leviathan to send a request to Lady Yasaka to be allowed to enter Japan for a short amount of time. While we were exploring Japan, we ended up in Karakura Town." Venelana said.

"Suddenly a Hollow appeared. It managed to sense our energy and attacked us. We were ready to attack the Hollow when suddenly a blue arrow flew and pierce the mask of the Hollow. We looked to see an orange-haired girl wielding a blue bow." Zeoticus said.

"She asked if we were ok. We ended up asking her various questions and in return, she asked us questions. We all ended up at her house to see Isshin there. We all talked and got to know each other. Isshin and Masaki joined us on our remaining time to tour and guide us throughout Japan." Venelana said.

"Like all the best things, it was over. Our days were over and we were forced to return to the Underworld. Lord Leviathan told us that we weren't supposed to enter Karakura Town. It was one of those towns we weren't allowed to enter. However, we were not punished for it because there were no issues while we were there. Eventually, we became too busy with Venelana becoming pregnant and forgot Isshin and Masaki." Zeoticus said.

"I see…" Ichigo said as he absorbed the new information down.

"Honey. They're playing our song!" Venelana screamed and pulled Zeoticus with her to the dance floor.

"Ichi-nii. Karin and I are going to explore the rest of the place." Yuzu said.

"Sure. Valiona and Kisara, can you please watch over them while they explore." Ichigo asked.

"Sure Master." Valiona and Kisara said and the four left. Ichigo and Eu decided to remain at the circular table. They both pulled out a book to read.

"Um. Excuse me. Can I talk to you?" Someone said. Ichigo looked up to see the woman that was about to fight that one guy from earlier. She wears glasses and has a cold, sharp gaze. She has on a blue robe that exposed very little skin.

"Sure. My name is Kurosaki Ichigo." Ichigo said as he lowered his book.

"My name is Seekvaira Agares." She asked.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Sure," Ichigo replied.

"Where did you get that mecha? How does it work? What powers the mecha? How do you control it?" She rapidly asked. She was about to ask more questions when Ichigo interrupted her.

"Seek. Calm down." Ichigo said.

"Seek?" She said. Slightly annoyed that he butchered her name down to that.

"Sorry about that. I am bad at names. Is there a shorter version I could call you?" Ichigo asked.

"Sure. Call me Vaira." She said.

"Ok," Ichigo said. "Why do you want to know about my mechas?" Ichigo asked.

"Well… It's kind of embarrassing." She said.

"… From what I have seen, every powerful being has a weird thing. Odin is a pervert. Sirzechs likely has a sister complex. Rias is a Japanese otaku… How strange/embarrassing is yours." Ichigo said.

"Wow… you sure like throwing people under the magic school bus." Vaira commented.

"...Anyways, why do you want to know about my mechs?" Ichigo said.

"Well… I'm a mecha otaku." Vaira admitted.

"Well… that is way less strange than Sirzechs or Odin." Ichigo said.

"Honestly, hearing that about them, make mine seem normal," Vaira said.

"Eu can you make me a standard nondisclosure agreement," Ichigo asked. Eu closed her book and closed her eyes. Suddenly a piece of paper appeared in Ichigo's hand. "Thanks," Ichigo said. Eu nodded and returned to her book. "Before we can continue, please sign this nondisclosure agreement," Ichigo said as he passed the paper to Vaira. Vaira looked at the paper and began to read the contract. Her mother constantly told her that be careful of a contract. Some contracts are enchanted to hide certain details from the reader. Vaira used some of her magic to see if there were any enchantments on the contract. She found none. Vaira decided that the contract is official. She began to try and find a pen. "Vaira, you need to sign in blood," Ichigo said.

"What? Why?" Vaira questioned. Her mother told her that signing any contracts with blood means that the contract is binding to the soul. Breaking the contract means certain death.

"As you know, the contract was signed in the blood is absolute. The history of my mechs is something I do not want to be discovered." Ichigo said.

"Fine," Vaira said as she signed the contract and handed it to Ichigo. Who then signed the contract. The contract glowed red for a moment and then stopped.

"Now that is taken care of… what is your first question?" Ichigo asked. The two spent the next ten minutes talking about the Asura Machina.

"Wow… the fact your control seven spiritually/magically fuel mechas are amazing." Vaira said.

"Anyways, do you want to learn more from the mechanic who maintains them?" Ichigo asked.

"What!" She yelled. Luckily, Ichigo cast a Kido to prevent anyone from listening in to their conversation. "You can't serious right?"

"No. I honestly ask if you want to learn from my mech's mechanics." Ichigo said.

"Why?" Vaira asked.

"Well… for one, he is likely bored out of his mind. Two, you showed that you honestly want to learn this. Three, friends help friends." Ichigo said.

"Were friends?" Vaira questioned.

"Sure," Ichigo said.

"Yay!" Vaira said and hug him. Ichigo was shocked by the unexpected hug. "Sorry!" She said when she realized that she was hugging Ichigo and let go.

"No pro-" Ichigo was about to say before he heard a scream in his mind.

"Master!"Kisara yelled.

"Kisara. What happened?"Ichigo asked worried something bad has happened.

"We need your help!"Kisara and Valiona yelled.

"I'm coming!"Ichigo yelled.

"Sorry Vaira. Something is wrong with my sisters." Ichigo said as he stood up and began running to where he could sense Kisara, Valiona, Yuzu, and Karin. Vaira ran behind Ichigo.

Five Minutes Prior: With Yuzu

Yuzu and Karin were walking around enjoying the party. Occasionally talking with some who Yuzu and Karin recognized as members of Rias's or Sona's peerage when Yuzu accidentally hit someone and both fell on the floor.

Five Minutes Prior: With Diodora

Diodora Astaroth was very angry as he walked around the ballroom. When people look at him, many would see him as a polite kind devil. However, remove that mental mask; you would see his true self. He is a narcissistic, sinister, vile, sad*stic and wicked devil who would do "whatever it takes" to achieve his desires. The reason why he is very mad is one of his victims was here. Asia Argento was one of the girls he decided to use to satisfy his sad*stic needs. At the time, she was a virgin maiden and a nun. He injured himself and Asia healed him. He informed the priest that she helped a devil and marked Asia as a witch and heretic. Before he could 'rescue' Asia, she joins those priests and that red hair bitch managed to acquire her. After a good time, for him, with his servants, Diodora managed to find another target to replace Asia. Today during this ceremony he was forced to participate, he had to encounter Asia Argento again. Man seeing her all happy made him very angry. So angry that he didn't pay attention to where he was walking and accidentally hit something and fell.


Yuzu and Diodora collided with each other.

"Yuzu you ok?" Karin asked as she lowered herself to Yuzu's level.

"Yes, Karin." Yuzu said. She then turned to the person who fell with her. "Are you alright?" Yuzu asked the person. In Diodora's anger, he forgot to mentally put his mask on. He turned to face Yuzu and yelled.

"What the f*ck you bitch! Watch where you walking!" Diodora yelled.

"Hey, you don't speak to my sister like that," Karin yelled. Diodora stood up.

"What are your names?" Diodora asked. Karin helped Yuzu get up then looked at Diodora.

"My name is Kurosaki Karin. She is Kurosaki Yuzu." Karin answered.

"Kurosaki… never heard of that surname. You're likely some sh*tty low rank reincarnated devil." Diodora assumed. "Who is your master?" Diodora demanded.

"We aren't devils," Karin yelled back.

"Aren't devils. You must be some sort of lost pet then." Diodora said. He then smiled sinisterly. "Since you aren't anyone's property, I guess I got to claim you for myself then," Diodora said. He then began to cast spells to see if what Karin said was true. Diodora smiled more. "You two would do fine to my collection of broken 'toys'," Diodora said. He then began to cast spells to restrain the two. Yuzu and Karin immediately tried to fight the spells. Kisara and Valiona knew that this Diodora must be some sort of high-ranking devil. If they fight this Diodora, there is a chance they would be killed due to being 'Stray Familiars'. Kisara and Valiona quickly contact Ichigo through their familiar bond.

"Master!"Kisara yelled.Worried that her master is too far away.

"Kisara. What happened?"Ichigo asked. Kisara could hear how worried her master was.

"We need your help!"Kisara and Valiona yelled.

"I'm coming!"Ichigo yelled. A few seconds later, Ichigo showed up.

"What is going on?" Ichigo asked. Valiona and Kisara pointed at the struggling Yuzu and Karin. Ichigo saw this and fired a Byakurai at Diodora. Diodora was too focused on the spells that he didn't see the Byakurai coming. Upon impact, Diodora lost focus on his spell, releasing Yuzu and Karin. Ichigo quickly caught the two. Ichigo gave the two to Valiona and Kisara. "Go to Eu and go back home," Ichigo said. His two familiars compiled and went to find Eu.

"WHO DID THAT!?" Diodora yelled.

"That would be me," Ichigo said.

"Who are you!?" Diodora asked.

"Kurosaki Ichigo," Ichigo answered.

"Who? Kurosaki isn't a surname of any 72 Pillars." Diodora said.

"Ichigo? What happened?" Sirzechs said as the crowd parted for all the faction leaders and bodyguards entered the scene.

"According to Kisara and Valiona, this guy tried to capture Yuzu and Karin," Ichigo said.

"You sure?" Sirzechs said.

"Yes," Ichigo said. Sirzechs then cast a few spells to prevent Diodora from moving.

"Does anyone here wish to defend Diodora of house Astaroth of the crimes he has been accused?" Sirzechs asked the crowd. Many were confused at the way Sirzechs asked the crowd. Suddenly many of the older members who are still alive right after the Civil War remembered something. During the end of the Civil War, all the devils who were accused of treason to be judged, three of the four Maou became, judge, jury, and executioner. "Based on the evidence presented…" Sirzechs began to say, he gave a quick look to Serafall and Beelzebub. Both Serafall and Beelzebub nodded to Sirzechs. "Diodora of house Astaroth the majority ruling of the Maou, I deemed you guilty of treason," Sirzechs said.

"WHAT!" Diodora and many of the crowd yelled. Many people were beginning to question the results of the crime.

"SILENTS!" Sirzechs said. The entire crowd immediately quieted down. "Ichigo if you please," Sirzechs said. Ichigo sighed and summoned the Jigoku no Yoroi. From there, the Maou, Azazel, Odin, and Michael bowed to Ichigo. Immediately everyone copied the leaders and bowed.

"Rise," Ichigo said and then turned to Sirzechs.

"For those uneducated in our traditions, Kurosaki Ichigo is wearing the legendary Jigoku no Yoroi; which symbolized the title of Jigoku no Kōtei. In other words, he is the ruler of Hell and indirectly the ruler of the Devils and Fallen Angel. A few days ago, I presented to the Jigoku no Kōtei, a new contract to renew our agreement. That contract states:

Devils will be allowed to occupy a small portion of Hell, dubbedעוֹלַם הָתַחְתוֹן[underworld]. In exchange, for self-government rights, when theJigoku no Kōtei requires it, all Devils will fight for Jigoku no Kōtei. If any dares to attack the Jigoku no Kōtei or any under Jigoku no Kōtei's protection, the Jigoku no Kōtei has the right to seek retribution. The guilty party is tried for treason in an attempt to destroy the government. In any case where this contract is violated, the Jigoku no Kōtei has the right and authority to evict all people living at that pocket dimension.

"Kurosaki Yuzu and Kurosaki Karin is his blood sister. Meaning, Diodora of house Astaroth attempted to break the contract." Sirzechs said and joined the other faction leaders.

"Sirzechs. He is an heir of House Astaroth correct?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes my lord," Sirzechs said.

"God… I'm starting to sound like Byakuya."Ichigo mentally commented. Bring me, Lord Astaroth." Ichigo said. Sirzechs immediately disappeared. Ichigo then walked to Diodora.

"I know what you said to my sisters. You will suffer for your crimes. I won't kill you right now but, you harmed my family. Be ready to pay." Ichigo said.

"My lord," Sirzechs said as he and another man appeared both bowing to Ichigo.

"Rise," Ichigo said. The two rose.

"This is Lord Astaroth," Sirzechs said and took a few steps back. Ichigo looked at the man. Lord Astaroth looks like an older version of Ajuka Beelzebub.

"My Lord. I apologize for my son's crimes. Is there anything I can do to prevent my son from being killed?" Lord Astaroth asked.

"Does he have a marriage contract?" Ichigo asked.

"He does my lord."

"Summon her and her lord," Ichigo ordered.

"Yes my lord," Sirzechs said. A few minutes later, a young-looking girl and another older man came and bowed.

"Rise," Ichigo said. "Who are you?" Ichigo asked.

"I am Eneely of House Vassago," Eneely answered.

"Honest answer. Do you love Diodora of House Astaroth?" Ichigo asked.

"I don't. I despise him. All of his peerage members were holy nuns or maidens which he kidnapped and found joy in breaking those girls physically, mentally and morally." Eneely said. Michael had a hard time trying to restrain himself after hearing what he has done to those girls.

"Alright then, Lord Vassago and Lord Astaroth, bring me a blank marriage contract, the marriage contract between House Astaroth and House Vassago, and a table with five chairs," Ichigo ordered. The two lords quickly ran off to find the required documents while a few maids brought over a table and a few chairs. Ichigo went to Lord Beelzebub. "Lord Beelzebub, may I have a private word?" Ichigo asked.

"Sure my lord," Ajuka said. Ajuka then cast a spell to prevent others from hearing what the two are saying.

"You created the Evil Pieces correct?" Ichigo asked.

"I did," Ajuka replied.

"Do you know if it is possible to remove the Evil Pieces from Diodora and set free his peerage members?" Ichigo asked.

"You are planning to do that to him," Ajuka said.

"I am," Ichigo said.

"If Diodora is fighting the spell, which I believe he would do, then he will be in pain. However, if he isn't fighting against the spell, then there is no problem." Ajuka answered.

"Would I be able to use the spell or are you going to use it?" Ichigo asked.

"I will do the spell," Ajuka said.

"Why?" Ichigo asked.

"First, I added various safeguards so no other Devils can steal another person's Evil Pieces. Second, I don't want anyone to learn of the spell to use to remove Evil Pieces. Lastly, the pieces recognized me as the creator and wouldn't fight against the spell." Ajuka answered.

"Ok then," Ichigo said. Ajuka lowered the spell. Ichigo sat down at the table and instructed that Lord Vassago, Eneely, Lord Beelzebub, and Lord Astaroth to sit with him at the table. Ichigo cast the privacy kidō around the table to prevent anyone from telling what is going on.

"I will be modifying the contract between House Astaroth and House Vassago." Ichigo began. "In the eyes of the paperwork, it will still be officially a marriage. However, Diodora will no longer have any rights. He'll become what he did to those maidens, a slave." Ichigo explained. "To please both houses. Eneely will need to give birth a total of four times." Ichigo said.

"WHAT!" Eneely screamed. She then realized what she said. "Sorry my Lords," Eneely said. Lord Vassago was very nervous. He hoped that Lord Ichigo doesn't get offended.

"I understand your reaction. Allow me to explain how this will work. Two of the children will be for the House Astaroth. While the other two will be for House Vassago." Ichigo explained.

"I see," Eneely said.

"Once this requirement is met, Eneely can have another husband if she wants while having Diodora as her official personal slave," Ichigo said.

"My lord, if hypothetically, I do not approve of the marriage what will happen?" Lord Astaroth asked.

"If you do not approve of the 'marriage' contract, then Diodora will be killed and ending the House Astaroth line," Ichigo answered. Lord Astaroth sighed and immediately signed the 'marriage' contract. Lord Vassago and Eneely read over the 'marriage' contract to make sure everything Ichigo said is true and in writing. Once they made sure that everyone Ichigo said is in writing, they both signed the 'marriage' contract. "Lord Beelzebub start the last part," Ichigo said.

"Yes my Lord." Lord Beelzebub said. The privacy kidō around the table was temporally lowered to allow the immobilized Diodora to enter the privacy kidō.

"Diodora of House Astaroth, normally an act of treason will result in your death. However, I am merciful enough. You will not be killed. However, you will be stripped of your evil pieces and peerage, lose your status as High-Class Devil and as the heir of House Astaroth. You will now become a slave to Eneely of House Vassago. She will become your master. You are now nothing. On this day Diodora of House Astaroth is dead. In his place lies Diodora No-Name." Ichigo said to Diodora. Ichigo turned to Ajuka and signaled him to begin.

"I am sorry little brother that you became this way. However, I must do what I must for our race." Ajuka said then began to chant. "I, Lord Ajuka Beelzebub, creator of the pieces forged by fragments of devil's souls, hereby order you: Diodora of House Astaroth. Return the gifts that were given to you and suffer for your crimes against us." Ajuka said. Diodora screamed in pain as the around his chest something started to float out. From Diodora's chest, Ichigo could see a King Evil Piece started to creep out. A few seconds later, the piece came out and Ajuka took it. Eneely put on Diodora a custom collar and chain for Diodora's new status as a pet. Eneely then took her 'husband' home. Ichigo, Ajuka, Michael and Lord Astaroth left the ballroom to talk with Diodra's former peerage.

Scene Change: Diodora's Mansion

With Lord Astaroth's help, Ichigo, Ajuka, and Michael entered the mansion. Lord Astaroth guided them to a sitting room.

"I will call all the peerage members to this room for you to talk to them. Is that fine?" Lord Astaroth asked.

"That is fine," Ichigo replied. Lord Astaroth bowed and left the room.

"Michael. I am going to cast a spell on you so that no one will be able to see you." Ichigo said.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"I want you to see these girls before you make a decision. I also want to hear their honest answer with knowing you are here." Ichigo explained.

"Ok then," Michael said. Ichigo cast Kyokkō on Michael. A few minutes later, they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Ichigo said. Fifteen girls walked in wearing red robes with hood. The girls lowered their hoods. Everyone could see the emotionless mask they all had on. Ichigo could see the dead eye look each girl had in their eyes.

"What happened to Former Master Diodora?" One of the unnamed females asked. Ichigo quickly explained what happened to Diodora.

"Maou Beelzebub, is what Lord Ichigo said is true?" Another unnamed female asked.

"So… our former master is no more and we now have you as our Master?" the tallest unnamed female summarized.

"Yes. Before we continue I want to ask, if given the opportunity would you go back to god?" Ichigo asked.

"YES!" All the girls yelled then became quiet.

"Even though the journey will include pain and suffering for redemption," Ichigo added.

"Yes." All the girls answered.

"So Michael, what do you say… you want to accept these girls and allow them to be rehabilitated?" Ichigo said. All the girls looked confused until Michael appeared. They all gasped in seeing the legendary Michael in front of them.

"Seeing these former nuns and holy maidens who show hopelessness in their eyes now show sparks of hope returning, I can't say no." Michael began to say. "However, the evil pieces that are in their souls must be removed from their souls before we can start the rehabilitation process. Girls this rehabilitation process will be a painful journey for you fifteen to become what you were before." Michael said. The first unnamed female of the peerage looked at her fellow members and then looked back at Michael.

"Lord Michael, we all have suffered throughout the torment with that bastard, however, with the opportunity that Lord Ichigo has gifted us, it would be a disrespect to turn this offer down." She said. With that, Ichigo and Ajuka began the difficult process of reclaiming the evil pieces from each girl. After five minutes they were all done and Lord Michael guided these girls back to Heaven. After that, Ichigo and Ajuka slowly began to walk out of Astaroth's Mansion.

"Thanks for doing this Ajuka," Ichigo said.

"No problem. Sadly, my younger brother did all of this to those girls." Ajuka said.

"It is sad…" Ichigo said.

"Ichigo… I want you to take these 16 pieces and place them in that briefcase and redo the process." Ajuka instructed.

"Why?" Ichigo said.

"Because I want to give you these pieces as my way of thanking you for not allowing my family name to die out. By the contract, you could have killed him and ended up killing off the House of Astaroth. However, you didn't. Instead, you worked with the contract my father wrote with House Vassago and included children to be produced from that marriage, which allows both families to continue." Ajuka said.

"Ok," Ichigo said as he sent those 16 pieces into his mindscape.

Scene Change: Sirzechs's Mansion: Private Meeting Room

Once those two returned, a butler guided Ichigo and Ajuka to another more private room.

"Ah. Our last two guests finally showed up for this meeting." Azazel said.

"Thank you again, Ichigo for helping those 15 girls. Gabriel is having a wonderful time helping them recover from that horrid treatment." Michael said.

"No problem," Ichigo said.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start this meeting," Sirzechs said.

"Ichigo, can you summon Loki and Fenrir?" Sirzechs requested.

"Before I summon Loki, what are you planning to do with Loki?" Ichigo asked.

"I'll likely banish him to somewhere in Asgard for a century or something like that," Odin said.

"Well… I could throw him in Hell for a bit." Ichigo suggested.

"Ichigo. Kokabiel is still scared of everything after those 2 weeks in Hell. Imagine Loki in there for a century is cruel." Azazel said.

"I won't leave him there for a century… Maybe a month." Ichigo said.

"Go ahead," Odin said.

"Go ahead for what?" Ichigo asked to make sure Ichigo is hearing this right.

"Send Loki to Hell. It would be one of the few places I wouldn't have to worry about him managing to escape." Odin said.

"Ok," Ichigo said and sent a mental command to Rhodonite and Shirogane to send Loki to him to his location. A black hole appeared next to Ichigo and a bleak gray Loki appeared still wrapped in chains. Ichigo then drew Tsuki no Hansha and slammed the hilt on Loki's forehead. All the leaders could see the symbol 魂葬 on Loki's forehead. Ichigo then sent a mental command to Rhodonite to release Loki. Rhodonite's chains retracted to the black abyss and Loki started to regain his coloring. Loki looked around to see that he is somewhere else entirely.

"WHERE AM I?" Loki yelled. Suddenly the symbols on Loki's head started to glow crimson. Suddenly the room began to shake and the Gates of Hell appeared.

"Loki, Norse God of Mischief, Hell has judged your sins and ruled that you shall be sent to Hell," Ichigo said. From the Gate, a Kushanāda's hand came and grabbed the Loki.

"What!" Loki yelled as the hand gripped him tightly. He struggled as much as he could and forced to admit he couldn't break it. He then noticed Odin sitting at the table doing nothing. "Father! Father! Please help me!" Loki screamed at his father.

"Loki… It hurts for me to do this, but it must be done. I have constantly punished your actions for eons. However, you didn't learn from those punishments. Instead, you continued to do them. This is for your good." Odin said and looked away from Loki.

"Father… FATHER!" Loki yelled out as the Kushanāda pulls Loki into the gate. With that done, the gate disappeared. Odin sighed seeing his son judged by Hell and deemed him worthy to become its next resident hurt him a lot.

"Odin. I have your grandson as well. Do you want me to throw him to Hell as well or give him to you?" Ichigo asked.

"I'll hold onto him for now," Odin said. Ichigo then commanded Rhodonite to bring Fenrir from the pocket dimension. Right when Ichigo released the chains from Fenrir, Odin cast a spell on Fenrir and teleported him somewhere else.

"Anything else to mention?" Sirzechs asked.

"I would like to mention something." Ichigo started. All the members looked at Ichigo. "Ophis is no longer working with Khaos Brigade," Ichigo said.

"What?" Azazel said. "From my sources, she is still working with them."

"Ichi-nii isn't lying," Ophis said as she teleports into the conference room. Everyone except Ichigo immediately jumped off their seats in shock. Ophis ignored this and sat on Ichigo's lap.

"I did say that I wasn't lying," Ichigo said. After that, the fraction leaders calmed down and went back to their chairs.

"For the record Ophis, you are not part of Khaos Brigade anymore," Sirzechs said.

"I am no longer part of that group," Ophis said.

"Can you give us any information about the group?" Michael asked. The next ten minutes Ophis described many of these 'weaklings' in Khaos Brigade. Ajuka quickly brought out a notepad and began to write all these descriptions down.

"Sirzechs," Ichigo whispered to Sirzechs.

"Yes, Ichigo?" Sirzechs asked.

"Tell the kitchen to make as many baked goods as they could," Ichigo whispered.

"Why?" Sirzechs asked.

"It'll make Ophis happy," Ichigo replied. Immediately Sirzechs sent word to Grayfia who then quickly got the chefs and bakers to immediately make as many cakes as they could. It took ten more minutes until Ophis stopped giving them any more details in regards to the Khaos Brigade members.

"Ophis," Sirzechs said as he stood up. "In appreciation of all the help you gave us tonight, take all these cakes and other desserts we made for you," Sirzechs said as various maids and butlers pushed carts of cakes and other desserts in the room. Ophis cracked a small smile and open a portal in the room.

"Enter the portal, once through the other side, there should be a flat rock, leave the carts in a neat and orderly manner. Then return here." Ophis instructed. The maids and butlers did as instructed. Once all the carts were pushed in the portal and the servants exited the portal, Ophis closed the portal, hugged Ichigo and left.

"Wow…" Everyone thought after Ophis left.

"Is there anything else we need to talk about in regards to the alliance?" Michael said

"I don't believe anything else needs to be mentioned in regards to the alliance," Sirzechs said. With that done, everyone left except the four Maou, Odin, and Ichigo who remained.

"So Odin, shall we discuss the contract?" Ichigo said.

"Yes we shall," Odin said and pulled out a contract. Ichigo took the contract and began to read it. The contract itself was similar to the one Azazel and Sirzechs presented to Ichigo. The contract stated that both the Asgard will be allowed to occupy a small portion of Hell, dubbed Helheim. In exchange, for self-government rights, when the Jigoku no Kōtei requires it, all Asgard will fight for Jigoku no Kōtei. If any dares to attack the Jigoku no Kōtei or any under Jigoku no Kōtei's protection, the Jigoku no Kōtei has the right to seek retribution. The guilty party is tried for treason in an attempt to destroy the government. In any case where this contract is violated, the Jigoku no Kōtei has the right and authority to evict all people living at that pocket dimension. Ichigo simply signed the contract and gave it to Odin who quickly signed the contract. Serafall decided to sign as a witness. Once she finished signing it, two copies of the contract appeared. Ichigo and Odin took their copies and hid them.

"Odin. May I have a private word with you?" Ichigo asked.

"Sure," Odin answered.

"We'll show ourselves out," Sirzechs said as all the Maou walked out.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Odin asked.

"I wish to receive your blessing," Ichigo said.

"Blessing for…" Odin asked.

"I am doing the De-" Ichigo said before being interrupted by Odin.

"Ah… You are also doing the Death Quest." Odin said, recognizing the request.

"I am," Ichigo said.

"Sure," Odin replied.

"What?" Ichigo replied. Ichigo didn't expect Odin to be willing to do it.

"I, Odin leader of the Gods in Asgard, give Kurosaki Ichigo my blessing in regards to the Death Quest," Odin said in Ancient Norse. Ichigo suddenly glowed a light blue and then it vanished.

"Thank you," Ichigo said.

"No problem," Odin said. "You are helping me with my son. I honestly want him to be able to someday take my spot. I grow older and slowly grow weaker. I miss my wife… my true love. These women I flirt with are beautiful and all… However, they can never replace my dear Frigg. When Loki returns, I hope he is willing to become the leader I know he can be. If so… maybe I can finally lay myself to rest…" Odin said before he left the meeting room. Ichigo left the room to find Rias. Ichigo found a maid who guided Ichigo to Rias' room. From there Ichigo explained to Rias that during the event, Ichigo befriended Seekvaira Agares and wasn't able to get her contact information. Rias tried to tease Ichigo however, Ichigo said that she was interested in the Mechas that Ichigo controlled and nothing else. Rias gave Ichigo Seekvaira's contact information. With all that done, Ichigo ripped open a Garganta and jumped in. Ichigo appeared in his bedroom. Ichigo changed out of his suit and put on some sleepwear. Ichigo went downstairs to see everyone watching a movie. Ichigo quickly explained to the girls what happened regarding Diodora. The girls understood Ichigo's actions on why he returned very late. Ichigo also told them about Seekvaira Agares and clarified that they do not have anything romantic going on. They were friends because Seekvaira wanted to know about Ichigo's Asura Machina and she was willing to sign a contract to be allowed to learn about them. Ichigo sent a text to Don about Seekvaira Agares. After that Ichigo decided to go to sleep early.

Scene Change: Temp-Home: Morning

The next day, Ichigo slept in. When he went down, everyone else was eating breakfast. When Ichigo sat down, Eu called out to Ichigo.

"Um, Ichigo… Can I ask you something?" Eu said.

"Are you about to ask me if I can allow Ophis to come with us?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes," Eu said.

"Sure," Ichigo said.

"Really?" Eu said.

"Sure. It's not as if we are going to run out of the room." Ichigo said. Eu then jumped and hugged Ichigo.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She said. "OPHIS!" She screamed.

"Yes?" Ophis said as she suddenly appeared in the dining room. "Ooo. Food." She said and grabbed a plate.

"Ophis," Eu said again. Ophis looked and see Eu was giving Ophis an annoyed look.

"I did it again didn't I…" Ophis said.

"You did!" Eu said.

"Sorry… You should know me. Food is love. Food is life." Ophis replied. Eu sighed.

"Anyways, I talked to Ichigo. If you want to, you can join us on our adventure." Eu said.

"Eu. I do want to go with you on your adventure but, I still have some things to take care of." Ophis said sadly.

"Well… Ok." Eu accepted.

"Is this about Khaos Brigade?" Ichigo asked.

"Correct," Ophis said.

"Be careful. There are things to injure Dragons." Ichigo said.

"I know Ichi-Nii," Ophis said. Suddenly Yuzu, Karin, and Eu tackled Ophis.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" The girls yelled. Ichigo laughed at Ophis's situation and the girl's reaction.

"I kind of lectured her and someone made a comment about us acting like nīsan and imōto and she decided to call me this," Ichigo said. Yuzu and Karin glared at Ophis at the appearance of a new challenger. "All of you stay here," Ichigo said. Ichigo decided to summon out the two sets of Chaos Pieces. "Girls, I am going to use these on all of you," Ichigo said as he took out the 2 sets of Chaos Pieces and place them on the table.

"What are those Ichi-Nii?" Karin asked.

"Originally these are called Evil Pieces. They are based on the game of chess, there are a total of 15 pieces (1 Queen , 2 Rooks , 2 Bishops , 2 Knights , and 8 Pawns ) that are given to top-class Devils (King ) with a peerage. These pieces are used to reincarnate other beings into Devils and become servants of the top-class Devil. However, Sirzechs requested Ajuka, the creator of the Evil Pieces to modify them to prevent other beings from turning into Devils. Ajuka named my pieces as Chaos pieces since both I am technical neutral and it sounds way better than evil pieces." Ichigo explained.

"So what does each piece mean?" Yuzu asked.

"The Rooks gain superhuman strength, leading to high offense and defense. However, they are not very quick, and can get beaten easily by a high-speed opponent." Ichigo said as he showed the girls the Rook. "Next is the Knights . Knights gain increased speed and mobility, enabling them to perform high-speed attacks and maneuvers. However, their main weakness is their low defense, making them vulnerable to powerful attacks if they are not careful. Another weakness among knights are their legs; if their legs are injured, their mobility is greatly reduced." Ichigo explained as he showed them the Knight piece. "After that, we got the Bishops . Bishops gain enhanced magical abilities that they can use to conjure up a multitude of spells. However, more powerful spells consume most of their magical power, which takes a long time to regain, forcing them to use their power carefully or risk becoming vulnerable to physical attacks." Ichigo said and showed them the Bishop piece.

"What about the queen?" Eu asked. "The Queen possesses all the characteristics of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops, making them the most balanced piece as well as the most powerful. The Queen is usually the second to take charge of the peerage when the King is not available." Ichigo explained as he showed them the Queen piece.

"What about those last once."Ophis pointed at. "The Pawns are something special. The traits of Pawns is the ability to promote into a Queen, Rook, Knight, or Bishop in enemy territory or with the permission of their King." Ichigo said.

"So... who is the king?" Karin asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Ichigo said.

"Anyways Ichi-Nii, what does the King piece do?" Karin asked.

"The King piece is a little different compared to the others. The King piece doesn't give out special powers. Instead, it acts as a strength multiplier." Ichigo said.

"So who will get what piece?" Yuzu asked.

"Well… Ophis and Eu will be my pair of queens. Yuzu and Karin would be my pawns." Ichigo said. Ichigo took each piece and activate them. All the pieces were absorbed into each girl.

"So this is a new power that these pieces gave," Eu said. Ichigo noticed that Sirzechs was not lying when these pieces didn't change any of the girls into devils. The girls decided to go try out their new powers. Ichigo took out the trainer, showed Kisara and Valiona how to operate it and sent the girls into the trainer to experiment with their new powers. Ichigo cleaned up the breakfast when he received a call. Ichigo looked at his phone to see Yasaka calling him.

"Hello?" Ichigo said through the phone.

"Ichigo. Can I see you right now?" Yasaka asked.

"Sure. Give me a few minutes." Ichigo replied as he hung up on Yasaka. Ichigo told his familiars that he is going to see Yasaka. Ichigo ripped open a black Garganta and jumped in it.

Scene Change: Kyoto

Ichigo jumped out of the Garganta to Yasaka's throne room. There, he sees Yasaka with a folder in her hand.

"Hello Ichigo," Yasaka said.

"Hello, Yasaka. What do you want to talk about?" Ichigo asked.

"Ichigo, here is the little information on Moka that I managed to find," Yasaka said and gave the folder to him.

"Thank y-" Ichigo said before Yasaka kissed him in the lips. "What?" Ichigo said after the kiss.

"While I was finding the information, Amaterasu-sama contacted me and allowed me to have a relationship with you," Yasaka explained blushing in embarrassment.

"Wow…" Ichigo said. "But, why me?" Ichigo asked.

"You need to stop putting yourself down," Yasaka said. "In Kunou's little adorable head, you are her papa and I am her mama."

"Wait," Ichigo said. Yasaka turned back to Ichigo.

"Yes?" Yasaka asked.

"I was wondering if you wish to join my peerage," Ichigo said.

"Your peerage? You allied yourself with the devils?" Yasaka questioned.

"No, I didn't. Sirzechs paid me for my services in the form of my evil pieces. However, these pieces don't alter the receiver into devils." Ichigo said.

"How can you trust the words from a devil?" Yasaka questioned.

"I have already used them on my sisters and they are fine," Ichigo said. Yasaka thought about it. There weren't any cons in regards to this deal.

"What powers do I get?" Yasaka asked.

"Well… I will use one of my Bishop pieces." Ichigo said and summoned his Bishop piece. "This piece pretty much strengthens your magical abilities," Ichigo said.

"Ok," Yasaka said. "I'll accept the piece." With that done, Ichigo presented the piece to Yasaka and it absorbed into her. She felt stronger and able to handle more magical energy. She also felt a mental door in her mind. Yasaka decided to see what it led. She knocked on the mental door to discovered that it was unlocked. She pushes open the mental door and said."Hello?"

"Yasaka… how are you speaking to my mind?"Ichigo responded mentally.

"We can talk to each other mentally?"Yasaka replied mentally.

"Yes," Ichigo said.

"How?" Yasaka questioned.

"I believed that the pieces allow a mental connection to the King piece, which is myself." Ichigo theorized.

"So this piece also created a mental door to you," Yasaka said.

"Wait. So you had a mental door that connects you to my mind." Ichigo asked.

"Yes," Yasaka said.

"Closes the mental door Yasaka," Ichigo said. She closed the mental door. Ichigo asked Kyōka to find this door find the door.

"Found it,"Kyōka said.

"Are there any locks on my side?"Ichigo asked.

"There are locks on this side,"Kyōka responded.

"Yasaka. On my side, there are locks on it. Go to your side of the mental door and see if it had any locks on it." Ichigo instructed. Yasaka went back to the mental door and looked at it. She discovered that the door did have locks on it.

"The door has locks on it," Yasaka responded.

"Kyōka try locking the door on my side,"Ichigo said.

"Done."She replied.

"Yasaka, try to knock on the door," Ichigo said. Yasaka went to the mental door and knocked on it. Ichigo feels a certain pressure in his mind. As if someone is trying to get in. "So this new mental connection can be locked on my side," Ichigo told Yasaka.

"I saw locks on my side as well," Yasaka added.

"This time, I am going to unlock my side of the door. While you lock it on your side." Ichigo proposed. Kyōka and Yasaka did what Ichigo instructed them to do.

"Ichigo, when she locked her door, a switch appeared on our side,"Kyōka said.

"Yasaka. You can also lock your mental door. However, if needed, I can open that door if I need to talk to you." Ichigo told her.

"I see…" Yasaka said. "Anyways. Good luck with the rest of your journey Ichigo and come back to me once you regain your heart." Yasaka said.

"Ok. Thank you Yasaka." Ichigo said as he ripped open a Garganta and jumped in it.

Scene Change: Temp-Home

Ichigo returned home to see that most of the girls didn't return from the trainer. Ichigo saw that Valiona is reading while occasionally looking at the trainer. Kisara was nowhere to be found.

"Valiona, where did Kisara go?" Ichigo asked.

"Ichigo, Kisara joined the girls in the trainer. I'll switch with her later."Valiona explained.

"Ok," Ichigo said. Ichigo went to his room and remembered that he still needed to call Vaira about Don and allow him to answer any of her questions and help her. Ichigo took out his phone and dialed her number.

"Hello? This is Seekvaira Agares heir-" Vaira managed to say before Ichigo intercepted her.

"Hey, Vaira?" Ichigo said.

"ICHIGO!" Vaira yelled back. Vaira didn't hear a response and began to panic and bombarded Ichigo with questions. "How did you get my number? During all that chaos, I forgot to give you my number. Ichigo! Ichigo! Are you there?"

"Vaira calm down," Ichigo said once Ichigo regain his hearing. "Are you available right now?" Ichigo asked.

"I am. Why?" Vaira asked.

"Can you come over to where I am?" Ichigo asked.

"Where are you?" Vaira asked.

"In Kuoh," Ichigo said as he gave her the current address. Suddenly a red seal and glow appeared in his bedroom. The glow died down and Vaira was standing in Ichigo's room.

"Ichigo!" Vaira said and hugged Ichigo.

"Hello, Vaira. Are you ready to meet the main technician to my mechas?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes. I am. How are we going to get there?" Vaira asked.

"One second," Ichigo said and dialed for Don.

"Hello, Captain. What can I do for you?" Don asked.

"Hey, Don. Are you available right now?" Ichigo asked.

"I am. Why?" Don asked.

"Can you teleport me and one other person to Uzushio?" Ichigo asked.

"Sure. Give me one minute." Don said as Ichigo hung up. "Stand by for teleportation," Ichigo told Vaira.

"Telep-" Vaira began to say before she was blinded by a white light. When the white light faded, Ichigo and Vaira disappeared.

Scene Change: Uzushio

"Where are we?" Vaira asked as she looked to see some sort of command center.

"Welcome to Uzushio. My name is Don Dogoier and I am the Engineer for Uzushio." Don introduced himself.

"My name is Seekvaira Agares. Please call me Vaira." Vaira said.

"Anyways, Don I want you to give Vaira a tour of your area, give her a modified teleporter which allows her to talk to you and teleports her into your office if you allow her," Ichigo said.

"Captain… why?" Don asked.

"I want this to happen because of a few reasons. The first reason is that she wants to learn about the Asura Machina. Second is that she can help give you another perspective on your inventions." Ichigo said.

"Ok Captain," Don said. With that, Don began showing Vaira around Uzushio and his sector.

"Is that wise Captain-sama?" Ahim asked.

"It's not wise, but it is something I think might help Don," Ichigo said.

"How?" Gai asked.

"Well, according to the files you gave me Marvelous, Don is usually alone in his sector. I brought her up here for him to make a friend. If it goes serious then it'll go serious. If not then it allows him to interact with other people." Ichigo explained.

"Ok Captain," Marvelous said. With that Ichigo opened a Garganta and jumped in it.

Scene Change: Temp-Home

Ichigo returned to see that everyone was outside of the trainer.

"How was training?" Ichigo asked.

"It was good Ichi-Nii. Those pieces increased our powers a lot." Karin said.

"Your powers?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes. We received some basic training on our Quincy Powers." Yuzu said.

"I see…" Ichigo said.

"Yhwach, do you think you could help them?"Ichigo asked.

"I could,"Yhwach replied.

"Both of you remember Yhwach right?" Ichigo asked. They both nodded her heads. "He is the manifestation of my Quincy powers. He will help both of you with your training."

"How?" Yuzu asked.

"That leads to the other thing. I discovered that the Chaos pieces established a mental connection with each other."

"I see…" Yuzu said.

"And I will be able to speak to both of you through this connection,"Yhwach said to the girls. The girls were shocked at the sudden appearance in their mind."

"Anyways, we will be leaving town for a bit," Ichigo said.

"Ichi-nii what about school?" Yuzu said.

"Well, I am planning to rent/buy the house so that when school starts, you two have a place stay," Ichigo explained. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ichigo went to the door and opened it. Outside of his door was Rias and her entire peerage.

"Hey, Ichigo-sensei!" The entire peerage said.

"I know you were not trying to leave here without a party," Rias said.

"Come over to my house, were going to have a Goodbye Party," Issei said.

"Come on girls, were going to Issei's house to have a Goodbye Party," Ichigo said. Everyone all moved to Issei's house and had their Goodbye Party. At some point, Azazel heard that his club is having a party without him and he decided to crash the party. Sirzechs heard about this party and managed to crash the party for a few seconds before Grayfia appeared right being Sirzechs, kicked him down and began to drag Sirzechs to the waiting portal. It was hilarious seeing this. It looked like all those cartoons of people being dragged into Hell. Soon the party ended, and the Occult Research Club saw Ichigo and company driving away from them and into their next adventure.


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Broken Dreams - Chapter 10 - Masterlink895 (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.